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Abdullaeva Ozoda Nasriddinovna
Begmatova Saodat Botir kizi


Showing English in grade schools connects with the status of the schools and the learners' capability levels. Assuming the schools have the adequacy of English instructors, media, and course books, they will be prepared to educate English. It is on the grounds that elementary schools manage youthful students matured 6-12 years and this period is accepted as the best second to acquire information. It is in accordance with the essential guideline expressing that youthful students can learn English better. Showing English in elementary schools gives the two advantages and difficulties. The advantages are accounted for by Moon, Singleton, and Read, and the issues are pointed by Copland, Khamari, and Wei-pei. With respect to issue, this article recognizes the advantages and difficulties in light of speculations and examination discoveries and afterward proposes a few arrangements of the hardships which can be the references for the schools to give excellent English educating and learning.

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How to Cite
Abdullaeva Ozoda Nasriddinovna, & Begmatova Saodat Botir kizi. (2022). THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES IN TEACHING ENGLISH. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(6), 849–853. Retrieved from


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