Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal <p><strong>Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (GIIRJ) </strong>is a monthly peer reviewed international journal. The international interdisciplinary journal publishes the articles in various disciplines. We invite authors to submit the original research papers for the current issue of our journal. GIIRJ is started with the vision of providing the platform to the researchers in 2013 and providing the services with best quality paper publications in the areas not limited Sciences, Humanities, Economics, Finance, Engineering, History, Educational Advancements, Education and Sports Sciences, Tourism and Physical Sciences. </p> <p><strong>A PEER REVIEWED REFEREED MONTHLY E-JOURNAL</strong></p> <p><strong>(ALL SUBJECT ONLINE MONTHLY JOURNAL)</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>ISSN (E):</strong> 2347-6915</li> </ul> <ul> <li><strong>SJIF Impact Factor 2024</strong>: 8.346</li> </ul> <table style="height: 288px;" width="296"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="58"> <p><strong>Year</strong></p> </td> <td width="103"> <p><strong>SJIF Impact Factor</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="58"> <p>2023</p> </td> <td width="103"> <p>8.057</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="58"> <p>2022</p> </td> <td width="103"> <p>7.718</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="58"> <p>2021</p> </td> <td width="103"> <p>7.472</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="58"> <p>2020</p> </td> <td width="103"> <p>6.914</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="58"> <p>2019</p> </td> <td width="103"> <p>6.519</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Submission Date:</strong> Open</li> <li><strong>Publication Date:</strong> Within 48 Hours </li> </ul> <p><strong>Send your Manuscripts to:</strong></p> <p> </p> Galaxy Journal en-US Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 2347-6915 FEATURES OF TEMPERAMENT TYPES AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE PROFESSIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL <p>The article discusses the issues related to the relationship between temperament and professional development of the personality. Special attention is paid to the features of temperament that are manifested in the professional activity of a person. For a better disclosure of the topic, the article analyzes the most well-known theories of temperament, reveals the essence of each type of temperament and considers the professions that correspond to each type of temperament.</p> Мансурова Гульмира Рафаэловна Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-05 2024-06-05 12 6 1 5 MODERN APPROACHES IN LANGUAGE EDUCATION <p>The article focuses on the teaching of the mother tongue in general secondary educational institutions, modern approaches and their advantages in increasing the effectiveness of education, as well as on the development of students' speech and the formation of correct pronunciation skills. methodical assignments are also included.</p> Avezova Dilnura Bayramovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-05 2024-06-05 12 6 6 8 HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEDIASAVODKHANATE IN STATE BODIES <p>This purpose is the history of the development of mediasavodkhanate in the state body and the importance of today scientific and practical activities the main materials have been studied and recommendations of the competition for public services have been developed.</p> Mansur Yunusov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-05 2024-06-05 12 6 9 14 ROLE OF NON-TRADITIONAL DAIRY PRODUCTS <p>The article describes the properties of camel milk. The features of the composition of camel milk have been studied. Recommendations for inclusion in the daily diet are offered.</p> Saparova G. B. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 12 6 15 17 INNOVATIVE TOOLS AND PLATFORMS FOR MOBILE DEVELOPMENT <p>Mobile application development technologies were studied, advantages and disadvantages of these technologies were identified.</p> Urinbaeva Azada Bakhadirovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 12 6 18 21 IMPACT OF PACKAGING MATERIALS ON THE PRESERVATION OF BEIJING CABBAGE <p>The scientific article analyzes the most basic factors that affect the long-term preservation of cabbage heads in the process of storing Beijing cabbage. Basically, in the process of storing Beijing cabbage, research has been carried out on the relative humidity of the air in the storage room and the storage of the product by surrounding it with various packaging materials. In the experiment, the heads of cabbage were placed in storage without wrapping in what material The Hecht was and wrapped in paper, parchment paper, and polethyline (Streich), and their effect on the qualitative and continuous preservation of CARM heads was studied.</p> Xakimov Rahshod Xolmiratovich Xakimova Mavjuda Baxtiyorovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 12 6 22 25 IMPLEMENTATION OF ISLAMIC FINANCE INTO THE ACTIVITIES OF COMMERCIAL BANKS FOR STRENGTHENING COMPETITIVE ATTRACTIVENESS <p>The article presents the essence of the concept of a bank loan portfolio, the problems of managing the loan portfolio of commercial banks, their composition, the importance of diversifying the loan portfolio, proposals aimed at improving the formation of a bank loan portfolio and its management. An analysis is given of the views of scientists regarding the concept of a loan portfolio and its management. The tasks necessary for effective management of the loan portfolio are outlined and problems that impede this process are identified.</p> Fattakhova Munisa Abdukhamitovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 12 6 26 31 ISSUES OF DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATION PROCESSES IN DOING BUSINESS BETWEEN ENTERPRISES <p>This paper examines the issues of ensuring the balance and sustainability of the national economy, which require increasing the financial stability of the business entities operating in it, which require scientific research on the development of cooperation and integration processes between enterprises. On this basis, this work reveals the specific aspects of the development of integration and cooperative relations between business entities and entrepreneurship in our country, developed scientific proposals and practical recommendations aimed at identifying priority areas of business and business development, business strategies and the development of cooperative and integration relations.</p> Ergashev Alizhon Khodzhimamatovich Mamazhonov Fayzulla Abdusamatovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 12 6 32 40 DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR OF THE COUNTRY <p>The article emphasizes the importance of introducing effective socio-economic and organizational-legal mechanisms of employment based on the direct impact of agricultural development on the economic security of the country. Based on this, the paper provides conclusions and suggestions for the development of innovative entrepreneurship in this area.</p> Olimova Nodira Khamrakulovna Nematova Shakhlo Egamberdievna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 12 6 41 45 THE IMPORTANCE OF E-GOVERNANCE IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF SERVICE OF TAXPAYERS APPLIED STUDY IN THE GENERAL TAX AUTHORITY <p>The research problem arises due to the technological development in the field of business, trade exchange, electronic commercial transactions and electronic cash circulation. At an international level, the use of traditional systems in the tax accounting process affects the quality and quality of services provided to taxpayers. One of the most important recommendations recommended by researchers is that the tax system depends heavily on tax accounting and that its success requires a close relationship between the General Tax Authority and taxpayers, and this is achieved by improving the reality of the services provided to taxpayers and increasing their satisfaction with them. One of the most important recommendations recommended by the researchers is the need to implement e-governance, which contributes significantly to the development and improvement of services provided to taxpayers by providing a comprehensive information system for all taxpayers' data that achieves accuracy and speed in completing the tax accounting process.</p> Anwar Hashem Abboud Mohamed Nasr Hussein Al-Jayed Ameer Ageed kadhim Al-ardawe Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 12 6 46 58 THE USE OF CASE-TECHNOLOGY IN THE PROCESS OF DEVELOPING MONOLOGUE SPEECH IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE CLASSES <p>The introduction of modern technologies in the process of teaching the Russian language has become an important aspect of modern pedagogy. One of the most promising methods is the use of case-technology for the development of monologue speech in Russian language classes. In this article, we will consider the advantages and consequences of using case-technology for the development of monologue speech in Russian language learners.</p> Махкамова Шахноза Ту́йчибаевна Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 12 6 59 61 THE OCCUR DEGREE OF THE BRONCHOOBSTRUCTIVE SYNDROME’S DEPENDENCE TO THE HUE OF THE REFLUXATE IN THE GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE <p>The urgency of the problem. Nowadays, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) holds the high positions according to happening index among the gastroenterological diseases. The diagnosing disease, almost is not difficult, because typical clinical symptoms of the GERD observed frequently in the clinical practice, for example heartburn, burp, regurgitating and others. However, typical forms of the disease are diagnosed much difficulty. Because clinical view of them looks like the diseases of the neighbor organs [1,2,4,6,7]. The broncho-pulmonary form of the GERD from atypical views is much observed. For instance, according to medical literatures one of atypical forms of the GERD reflux –asthma from 30 % until 90 % happens together with bronchial asthma (BA) [2,3,5,8,9].<br>According to our primary researchings among the atypical forms of the GERD, precisely, broncho-pulmonary type is progressive because we aimed during the research to define the immixture of register grade of the bronchoobstructive syndrome (BOS) with hue of the refluxate.</p> Yuldasheva D. H. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 12 6 62 64 POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES OF GLOBAL TRANSHUMANIST THEORY <p>Globalization processes taking place in the social, economic, political, and spiritual spheres in the world at the present time are creating objective conditions for changing the value goals and, one might say, the destiny of the entire humanity in one direction or another. Therefore, finding a solution to the problems of eliminating the positive results of the theory of transhumanism – it is popularization, and its negative consequences - is being put in the center of attention of the world community.</p> Suvonova Umida Amriddin qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 12 6 65 68 IMPROVEMENT OF INVESTMENT INSTITUTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL MARKET <p>The financial market is a structural, but the main and separate part of the general market of any country. However, the basis of the financial market is the market of real goods. At the same time, the financial market is manifested as a structure of the real economy and the commodity market, provides financial support and coordinates the commodity market and the economy, expresses the objective state of the economy in general and determines its development.</p> Kakhramonova Khusnora Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 69 72 THE CARAVANSERAIS DURING THE REIGN OF THE GREAT SELJUKS (1038-1157) <p>This article provides information about the caravanserais of the Great Seljuk period (1038-1157). The caravanserais of Rabati Anushirvan, Rabati Zafaran and Rabati Sharif in the Khurasan region, and partly on the caravanserais of Kirman and other regions were touched upon. Also, It is paid attention to the architectural tradition of Seljuk era caravanserais, in particular, the features of the building, such as construction materials. Also, constructions such as rabat, khan, zawiya, takya, khanqah, which are the equivalent of a caravanserai, and their functions are explained.</p> Rajapov Pirnazar Sardor ogli Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 73 79 THE IMPORTANCE OF FUNCTIONAL PROBIOTICS IN THE SOUTHERN ARAL SEA REGION <p>The paper uses the concept ofrationalnutrition, which основaffects the balanceof energy,satisfaction and needs of the body of foodми substancesами, режим, and the diet regime. The changein the normal composition of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is primarily due to a violation of the nutritional structure. This is due лto the use ofantibiotics, poorым nutritionм, ageом,mi diseases and a numberof other factorsthat lead to нарушa violation of the microfloraы of the gastrointestinal tract.</p> Saparova G. B. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 80 83 METHODOLOGY FOR STUDYING CHINGIZ AITMATOV'S STORY ABOUT “THE WHITE SHIP” <p>The work of Chingiz Aitmatov, the great representative of the fraternal Kyrgyz people, the favorite writer of world readers, is distinguished by a unique interpretation and high artistry of universal ideas. One of the factors ensuring the success of the writer's works is that at that time he raised pressing problems, was imbued with deep realism and high ideas of the nationality. The article discusses how Chingiz Aitmatov might study “White Ship”</p> Mubora Omanova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 84 87 LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL PROPERTIES OF METAPHORS <p>Metaphor, like other linguistic units that bring together nominative and communicative goals, is a means of forming a linguistic picture of the world. However, this tool, unlike others, serves to create new concepts using pre-existing meanings in the language system. Therefore, a metaphor serves not only to ensure the existence of meaning, but also is a mechanism for the formation of this meaning and a means of transmitting it in the process of communication.<br>In general, the metaphor serves as a bridge from the known (familiar) to the unknown (unfamiliar).<br>Anthropocentric metaphors are metaphors that are directly related to the internal and external qualities of a person. No matter how colorful these metaphors are, they are based on a human being.<br>In the literature on linguoculturology, metaphors are put on a par with proverbs, sayings, analogies, which are considered the main linguistic and cultural units of the language.</p> Abdujabbarova Feruza Abdunazarovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 88 93 FEATURES OF THE ARTISTIC LANGUAGE OF THE WORKS OF TOGAY MURAD <p>The article talks about the features of the artistic language of Togay Murad’s works and the artist’s skillful use of the means of artistic language.</p> Allayorov To‘lqin Ro‘ziqulovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 94 97 PROFESSIONAL TEACHING IN PHYSICS SIGNIFICANCE <p>In this paper we have tried to highlight some modern methods of teaching physics, while our theoretical and practical work is aimed at guiding young students to a scientifically based profession presented in the literature, allowing them to develop high-level knowledge and skills. this science. Effective ways to implement educational methods are highlighted.</p> Sattorova Dilshoda Yuldashevna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 98 101 THE CREATION OF A MULTIMEDIA EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AS A PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEM <p>This article covers the use of multimedia and multimedia in the educational process, the teaching of students on the basis of multimedia tools will be twice as productive and time - consuming, and the use of virtual stands in the educational process will increase the quality and efficiency of education and reduce spending.</p> Turdaliyev Sodikjon Muminjonovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 102 108 ABOUT SCIENCE PROGRAMS IN ACTION TO IMPLEMENT THE "4+2" FORM OF EDUCATION - THE HARMONY OF THEORY AND PRACTICE IN THE TRAINING OF FUTURE PHYSICS TEACHERS <p>The article discusses the current state of active science programs in order to implement the "4+2" form of education - the harmony of theory and practice in the training of future physics teachers. Information is provided on how science programs should be structured in order to harmoniously carry out the knowledge gained during the period of theory and professional practice.</p> Toshmatova Ziroatkhan Esanovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 109 116 CAPABILITIES OF MODERN PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES <p>This article discusses the history and evaluation of modern programming languages, the advantages of programming languages today.</p> Shirinov Feruzjon Shuxratovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 117 124 IMPROVING METHODOLOGICAL TRAINING IN DISTANCE EDUCATION <p>The article presents proposals on the pedagogical basis for improving methodological training in the context of Distance Education.</p> Kamalov Azamat Farkhadovich Jumankuziev Uktamjon Utkirjon ugli Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 125 131 THE IMPORTANCE OF USING INTERACTIVE TECHNIQUES IN TEACHING MATHEMATICS <p>This article shows the effective aspects of the use of innovative methods in mathematics lessons, the state of integration between disciplines, the possibilities of information and communication technologies in the creation of innovative methods. The article also recommended techniques” advertising“,” rainbow Polish“,” double fingers“, innovatsoin” Krassvord".</p> Mahmudova Ozoda Yuldashevna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 132 139 THE ROLE OF MODERN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE MANAGEMENT OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS <p>This article revolutionizes the educational process in the digital age today by ensuring that information technology uses large resources and increases cooperation between students and teachers. In pedagogical education, from online educational platforms to interactive teaching tools, technology makes learning more interesting and accessible to students of all ages and all ages.</p> Turdaliyev Sodikjon Muminjonovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 140 146 EXPERIMENTS ON INTERACTIVE METHODS AND DIGITIZATION OF LESSONS IN HEIS <p>In this article, the characteristics of the educational process in higher educational institutions, as well as the importance of universities in society and economy are changing rapidly. All over the world, universities are competing with each other to attract students, teachers and financial resources. In such a competition, higher education institutions that keep up with the times and use new digital opportunities are gaining an advantage over others.</p> Najmiddinov Faxriddin Obidovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 147 153 OPPORTUNITIES OF COMPUTER GRAPHICS APPLICATIONS IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS <p>This paper describes the use of Real Time graphic applications as educational tools, specifically oriented to working with people who have certain learning difficulties. We first focus on identifying the most relevant traits (from a psychological point of view) of those disorders, then we continue by analysing the advantages of graphics in Real Time in this context, and how they can be used to complement the conventional teaching methods.</p> Shirinov Feruzjon Shuxratovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 154 162 IMPROVED UNDERSTANDING OF RISKS AND THEIR TYPES <p>Risks can come from a variety of sources, including uncertainty in international markets, political instability, threats of project failure (at any stage of design, development, production or maintenance life cycle), legal obligations, credit risk, accidents, natural causes and disasters. a deliberate attack by an enemy or an event of uncertain or unpredictable root cause.</p> Kakhramonova Khusnora Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 163 165 IMPROVING CURRENCY POLICY IN UZBEKISTAN <p>Monetary policy is very important for the country's financial strategy and its implementation. Monetary policy itself is related to financial policy, the modern financial and monetary system of monetary policy, new innovative trends observed in the global monetary system, the impact on economic growth and recommendations aimed at its improvement are given.</p> Kakhramonova Khusnora Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 166 169 EFFECT OF BRAND IMAGE ON YOUNG CUSTOMERS IN DEVELOPING ECONOMIES <p>The following paper explores the influence of brand image on young consumers in developing economies. The topic has been discussed from theoretical and empirical perspectives depending on secondary sources from different published papers and journals. While scrutinizing the impact of brand image on young customers in several developing nations, the factors that might contribute to shaping the brand image, dimensions that form a brand image in the minds of consumers, the effect of culture, and the connection between brand image and brand loyalty as well have been examined. The research examines the impact of brand image on young consumers in several developing countries from different parts of the world which is an interesting field to be explored since these developing economies have a considerable population of young customers who can be a great source of benefit to the local and foreign brands due to having strong buying power.</p> Ahmad Farid Jamali Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 6 170 176 WAYS TO FIGHT AGAINST COMPUTER CRIME <p>Combating cybercrime requires a comprehensive approach. Given that technical measures alone cannot prevent crime, law enforcement agencies need to improve the effective investigation and punishment of cybercrime. In this thesis, comprehensive approaches to combating cybercrime are presented.</p> Haydarov Elshod Dilshod ugli Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 12 6 177 179 INGLISH LANGUAGE NEEDS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS <p>The work of an English teacher at a medical university is faced with various types of teaching activities. The most of them may require the use of well-organized teaching methods, as well as innovative forms of education. The main task of an English teacher is not only to have pedagogical skills, but also to pay attention to the needs of each student when learning the language in the context of his future specialty. This study aims to identify possible factors of their language needs and effective learning strategies of English.</p> Buranova Dilafruz Djamaldinovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 12 6 180 183 ON THE EXPERIENCE OF USING A BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE FOOD ADDITIVE IN THE NUTRITION OF ATHLETES <p>The development of ways to increase the biological usefulness of athletes' diets by using the protein source Nogliukin. The results of the research have established that in professional athletes, the use of dietary supplements for Nogliukin food normalizes the biochemical indicators of the nitrogenous components of urine and improves the digestibility of protein</p> Тухтаров Бахром Эшназарович Jibin Thomas Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 12 6 184 190 IMPROVEMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY THROUGH MODERN PEDAGOGICAL APPROACHES <p>This article reflects the reforms being carried out in our country, increased attention to our youth, and the programs established for the development of our country.Also developments of learning and teaching languages with the help of modern pedagogical technologies.</p> Khasanova Madina Anvarovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 12 6 191 193 THE DEVELOPMENT AND FORMATION OF PSYCHOLOGY AS A SCIENCE <p>The development and formation of psychology as a science has gone through several key stages: 1. The Ancient period, 2. The Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 3. Modern Times, 4. The XIX century - the formation of psychology as an independent science.</p> Baxtiyorova Umida Ulug‘bek qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 12 6 194 196 INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES IN DEVELOPING THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE TEACHERS <p>This article explores the impact of international experiences on the development of professional competence among future teachers. Drawing upon a review of literature and case studies, it examines the various dimensions of international experiences, including cultural immersion, pedagogical exchange, and cross-cultural communication. The article also investigates the challenges and benefits associated with such experiences, providing insights for educational institutions and policymakers aiming to enhance teacher preparation programs. Ultimately, it underscores the significance of international experiences in shaping well-rounded and culturally competent educators poised to meet the diverse needs of today's classrooms.</p> Mo'minova Dilnavoz Komilovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 12 6 197 200 FORMATION OF THE WORLDVIEW OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS BASED ON THE WORKS OF EASTERN THINKERS <p>This study investigates the formation of the worldview of elementary school students through exposure to the works of Eastern thinkers. Drawing from the rich philosophical traditions of the East, including but not limited to Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, the research examines how concepts and teachings from these traditions influence the perspectives and beliefs of young learners. Through qualitative analysis of classroom interactions, assignments, and reflections, the study explores the impact of Eastern philosophical ideas on students' understanding of self, society, and the world around them. The findings shed light on the potential of integrating Eastern philosophies into elementary education to foster holistic development and cultural awareness among students.</p> Tahirova Madinabonu Umidjon kizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 12 6 201 204 STRATEGIES FOR DEVELOPING PERSONAL QUALITIES OF FUTURE TEACHERS BASED ON “THE LIFELONG LEARNING” CONCEPT <p>This study explores strategies for cultivating the personal qualities of future teachers through the lens of the lifelong learning concept. Lifelong learning is essential for educators to continually adapt to the evolving demands of the education landscape. The paper examines key qualities such as adaptability, resilience, curiosity, and empathy, which are crucial for effective teaching in diverse contexts. Drawing on theoretical frameworks and practical approaches, the study suggests various strategies to foster these qualities in pre-service teachers. These strategies encompass experiential learning, mentorship programs, reflective practices, and interdisciplinary collaboration. By integrating these strategies into teacher education programs, institutions can better prepare future educators to thrive in dynamic educational environments and contribute positively to student learning outcomes.</p> Khakimova Nargiza Supkhanovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 12 6 205 208 USE OF CREATIVE EDUCATION IN COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION <p>Computer science education plays a crucial role in preparing students for the digital age. In recent years, the importance of introducing creative approaches in the teaching of computer science has been recognized. This article explores the benefits and applications of using creative learning in computer science classrooms. By developing creativity, imagination and problem-solving skills, creative education not only increases students' engagement and enthusiasm, but also develops their ability to think critically and innovate. The article discusses various creative teaching strategies, such as project-based learning, coding with art and music, and design thinking, and highlights their impact on student learning outcomes. Integrating creative learning into computer science education has the potential to produce a new generation of computer scientists who are not only technically competent, but also imaginative and flexible.</p> Madrakhimova Makhfuza Akhmedovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 12 6 209 21 METHODOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETENCE OF FUTURE PEDAGOGUES IN THE USE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES <p>The integration of digital technologies into education has changed the landscape of teaching and learning and has necessitated the upgrading of educators' skills in the effective use of these tools. This article presents a comprehensive methodology for developing future educators' digital technology competence. The methodology includes a holistic approach that combines theoretical foundations, practical training and continuous professional development. The proposed methodology is aimed at equipping future pedagogues with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes for effective use of digital technologies in educational institutions.</p> Zohidova Makhfuza Khabibovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 12 6 214 221 METHODOLOGY OF USING DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING COMPUTER SCIENCE <p>Digital technologies have revolutionized computer science education, offering new opportunities to enhance learning experiences and develop computational thinking skills. This scientific article presents a comprehensive methodology for the effective integration of digital technologies in the teaching of computer science. The methodology includes core components such as curriculum design, instructional strategies, assessment practices, and professional development to support teachers in using digital tools and platforms. By using this methodology, teachers can create an engaging and interactive learning environment that prepares students for the challenges of the digital age.</p> Makhfuza Khabibovna Zohidova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 12 6 222 228 TEXT CRITERIA AND TEXT TYPES TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' READING LITERACY <p>This small study examines the theoretical and practical aspects of reading literacy. The foreign material was studied and experiments were conducted on it. In the experience, it became clear that the importance of the text in improving the reading literacy of the students, and the purposeful assignments are important. In the article, the criteria for writing texts to improve their literacy and the reading skills of students who worked on creating different texts will be raised to a higher level, what types of texts should be downloaded for test tasks, the criteria that should be followed when completing the text and the principles are explained.</p> Shakhlo Naralieva Normuminova Dilobar Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 12 6 229 233 PROMOTING CULTURAL DIVERSITY THROUGH MULTICULTURAL ART EDUCATION: A COLLABORATIVE APPROACH <p>This article explores the collaborative approach to multicultural art education, highlighting its methods, benefits, challenges, results, and implications. It emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration among educators, artists, and community members in promoting cultural diversity and understanding in educational settings.</p> Achilova Dilnora Salijanovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 12 6 234 236 PROSE NARRATION AND CONTENT HARMONY IN ALISHER NAVOI'S WORKS <p>The following article is dedicated to Alisher Navoi's work "Khamsa", and artists over the centuries by various cases of clear prose. It is also drawn attention to adjust the interpretation of the works of changes in attitude to the works of art, the analysis of the level of understanding of the classical works of the reader.</p> Ozoda Tojiboyeva Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 12 6 237 240 QUALITY EDUCATION IN THE TEACHING OF FINE ARTS <p>This article analyzes a number of knowledge and skills that serve to increase the effectiveness of fine art classes in secondary schools, and also provides an extensive analysis and some recommendations on ways and means to increase the interest of schoolchildren in the fine arts, further develop their creative abilities, quickly develop desires and hobbies painting, the tasks facing the teacher, who occupies the main place in these processes.</p> Roza Sadikova Ismailovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 12 6 241 243 THE IMPACT OF DIGITAL CULTURE ON IRAQI FAMILY SOCIAL LIFE: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES <p>The study of the impact of digital culture on the social life of Iraqi families and its advantages and disadvantages aims to understand the nature of digital culture in the digital age and to identify events and areas that influence individual culture, especially family culture. The main conclusions drawn by the researchers are: Digital culture provides fast and convenient access to a variety of information and resources, improving the education and knowledge level of family members. Social media and digital applications have improved communication between family members at home and abroad, making it easier to share photos, videos, and important events. Based on these conclusions, the researchers recommend a survey: A comprehensive survey could be launched to understand the impact of digital culture on the social life of Iraqi families.</p> Raad Dakhil Awad Al Douri Enas Mahmoud Abdullah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-13 2024-06-13 12 6 244 256 IMPACT OF INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN CRITERION (IRR) AND MODIFIED INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN CRITERION (MIRR) ON INVESTMENT DECISIONS: EVIDENCE FROM FOREIGN COMPANIES INVESTING IN THE IRAQI ENVIRONMENT <p>The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibility of reaching international capital budgeting criteria (IRR and MIRR), to be more suitable for international companies in making investment decisions, and to indicate the equations for measuring the results of international capital budgeting criteria that contribute to reaching future cash flows and predicting them. The research sample consisted of analysts, investors, academics, financial managers, and those interested in the field of foreign investments and financial data analysis for all service contract fields. The researcher distributed (343) valid ques- tionnaire forms for analysis, and the form included a set of paragraphs and questions whose data were collected and classified using the statistical program (SPSS vr. 24). The study concluded that the international capital budgeting criteria (IRR and MIRR) prepared on the basis of discounted cash flows (DCF) are preferred measures in reaching the best investment decisions in the Iraqi environment.</p> Alaa Mohsen Shham Abdelfettah Bouria Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-13 2024-06-13 12 6 257 271 IMPROVING SUSTAINABLE OPERATIONS PERFORMANCE THROUGH FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION TECHNOLOGIES: THE MEDIATING ROLE OF STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE AND INTERACTION WITH STRATEGIC FLEXIBILITY-A CASE STUDY IN AL-NARJIS PIPE PRODUCTION COMPANY <p>This study aims to investigate the impact of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies on enhancing the performance of sustainable operations at Al-Narjis Company for Plastic Pipes Production, with a focus on the mediating role of strategic intelligence and the interactive role of strategic flexibility. The study sample consists of 100 employees from the company, with data collected using specially designed questionnaires. The Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies covered in this study include the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), 3D printing, and Big Data analytics. These technologies aim to improve operational efficiency, reduce waste, and increase productivity in sustainable ways. The mediating role of strategic intelligence was examined by exploring how the company uses intelligent information in making strategic decisions that enhance sustainability. Strategic flexibility was studied as an interactive factor contributing to the company's ability to quickly adapt to environmental and technological changes. The results indicate that Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies play a crucial role in improving the performance of sustainable operations at Al-Narjis Company, with a strong positive impact from both strategic intelligence and strategic flexibility. The findings illustrate that using these technologies, in conjunction with strategic intelligence and flexibility, can enhance the company's ability to achieve sustainability goals and adapt to technological changes. The study recommends increasing investment in Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies and developing the strategic capabilities of employees to boost efficiency and effectiveness in sustainable operations. It also suggests enhancing the company's strategic flexibility to keep pace with rapid technological advancements and competitive environment changes.</p> Manal Abdul Hameed Abdul Majeed Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-13 2024-06-13 12 6 272 299 THE IMPACT OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY ON TRANSFORMING MARKETING STRATEGIES AND ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS <p>The study aimed to determine the impact of marketing innovation and technology on the marketing strategy and sustainable success of Asia cell, an Iraqi telecommunication company. A descriptive survey method was used, and questionnaires were distributed to the study sample, which consisted of (260) employees of Asia Cell, an Iraqi telecommunication company. After (250) questionnaires were retrieved and deleted, (6) questionnaires contained missing values, (4)) questionnaires were not suitable for analysis due to the inclusion of outliers, and (250) final total number was resolved. The study found that companies with high levels of marketing innovation had an arithmetic mean of (4.133) and high levels. In contrast, companies with high levels of technology had an arithmetic mean of (4.208) and high levels of marketing strategy and sustainable success. The arithmetic means of (4.087) was obtained with a high degree and a high degree. The level of marketing strategy reached a high arithmetic mean of (3.981) but was lower than the level of sustainable success. The study concluded that there is a positive correlation between innovative marketing and technology and marketing strategy and sustainable success. In addition, the study also highlights the importance of considering innovation and technology when improving the marketing strategy of telecommunication companies.</p> Omar Karim Kazem Hussein Shaima Mahmoud Taraf Jawad Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-13 2024-06-13 12 6 300 321 WAYS TO ORGANIZE LABOR AUTONOMY IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS AND REDUCE INJURIES <p>This article discusses ways to improve occupational safety in sports and the educational institution’s gymnasium, outdoor sports field, as well as sports equipment and any additional equipment used in the classroom to meet safety standards and improve working conditions.</p> Jumanova Makhsudakhan Sattarovna Latibov Shokhrukhbek Makhamatyusup o‘g‘li Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-13 2024-06-13 12 6 322 328 CREATION OF FEMALE POETS IN THE KOKAN LITERARY ENVIRONMENT <p>The article provides information about the formation of the Kokan literary environment, the life and work of poets who worked in the palace during the reign of Amir Umar Khan. Excerpts from works describing their life in the palace and their place in cultural life were interpreted. Some aspects of poets lyrics were analyzed.</p> Omonova Durdona Scientific Supervisor: Omanova Mubora Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-13 2024-06-13 12 6 329 332 ARTISTIC FEATURES OF SPECIAL PARTS <p>The article analyzes information about the heritage of poets in the literary environment of Kokand, about the lyrics and features of the Chistan genre Jahon atin Uvaysi, his skill, that he enjoys the work of Alisher Navoi.</p> Omonova Durdona Supervisor: M. Omanova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-13 2024-06-13 12 6 333 336 ENDINGS OF NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES <p>The article describes the phenomenon of desubstantivation of nouns of adjective declension. It is shown that the linguistic basis of desubstantivation is the internal form of these nouns. The author examines occasional and usal desubstantivation, analyzes the structural-semantic varieties of initial nouns and adjectives formed on their basis.</p> Наврузова Фарида Назаровна Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-13 2024-06-13 12 6 337 338 SCIENTIFIC THEORETICAL BASIS FOR DEVELOPING SPIRITUAL CONCEPTS THROUGH EVENTS IN THE UPBRINGING OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS <p>Spirituality plays a crucial role in the development of individuals, regardless of age or origin. For elementary school students, in particular, nurturing their spiritual relationships at an early age provides the basis for a full and morally correct life. One of the most effective approaches to educating spirituality in these young minds is the teaching of events.</p> Xolliyeva Shaxnoza Raxmatulloyevna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 12 6 339 340 USING GAMING TECHNOLOGY TO ORGANIZE LITERATURE LESSONS <p>The article describes the game technologies used in organizing literature lessons, as well as how to use them.</p> Bekmirzayeva Mashura Supervisor: M. A. Omanova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 12 6 341 343 EFFECTIVE USE OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PEDAGOGY <p>The advancement of modern pedagogical technologies has had a profound impact on the field of pedagogy, transforming traditional teaching methods and creating exciting new possibilities for educators and learners alike. This article explores the role of these technologies in facilitating the development of the science of pedagogy. It discusses the benefits, challenges, and future prospects of integrating technology into educational practices, showcasing the potential to enhance learning outcomes, adapt instruction to diverse learner needs, and foster innovation in pedagogical research and practice.</p> Turdiyeva Shakhidakhon Anvardjanovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 12 6 344 347 THE IMPORTANCE OF PLAY IN THE MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF A CHILD <p>Play is a fundamental aspect of childhood that plays a critical role in the mental development of children. This article explores the multifaceted benefits of play, drawing on extensive research from psychology, education, neuroscience, and pediatrics. It examines how play contributes to cognitive development by enhancing memory, attention, and problem-solving skills, and how it fosters social development through improved communication, cooperation, and empathy. Emotionally, play provides a safe outlet for children to express and regulate their emotions, promoting resilience and psychological well-being. The review also highlights neuroscientific findings that demonstrate play's positive impact on brain development. Furthermore, the article discusses the implications for parents, educators, and policymakers in fostering environments that support and encourage play. Recognizing and preserving the value of play is essential for the holistic development of children, ensuring they grow into well-rounded, healthy, and capable individuals. This exploration underscores the irreplaceable value of play in nurturing a healthy and resilient future generation.</p> Soliyev Ilhomjon Sobirovich Axmedova Turg’unoy Sultonali qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 12 6 348 351 WATER DEFICIT IN THE MAIN EDIFICATES OF THE KARAKALPAKSTAN DESERT <p>In the harsh xerothermic conditions of the desert, only a few species can grow without irrigation, so for phytomelioration it is necessary to select drought-resistant forage plants with high adaptive properties to these living conditions. These works should be based on knowledge of the biological and physiological characteristics of Karakalpak pasture plants, including their water regime, since the main limiting factor in plant life under these conditions is a pronounced lack of water in the soil and air. For this purpose, we have studied the water regime of the main pasture plants, such as black saxaul - Haloxylon aphyllum (Minkw), under natural growing conditions for many years (1973-2013). Iljin, oriental saltwort or keireuk – Salsola orientalis S.G.Gmel., saltmarsh or biyurgun – Anabasis salsa (C.A.Mey.) Benth., tree-like solyanka or black wight – Salsola arbusculiformis Drob., white earth wormwood – Artemisia terrae albae H.Krasch and curly spiny – Artaphaxis spinosa L.</p> G. Sabirov D. Sabirov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 12 6 352 358 THE ROLE AND PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN IN THE ECONOMIC SECTOR IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY <p>This article analyzes the impact of women on the economy in the context of digital transformation, what challenges and opportunities they face, as well as prospects for further development.</p> Shermamatova Iroda Oybekovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 12 6 359 363 THE IMPORTANCE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN PEDIATRIC PRACTICE <p>Information technologies in pediatrics have found quite wide application in various areas in the previous period of development (preventive examinations, diagnostics, electronic medical records, specialized registries). At present, the prospects associated with the transition to e-health and person-centered data integration are clearly visible. Electronic medical records, when built in a modular manner, will ensure the formation of various problem-oriented registers based on information initially entered once. Portable electronic devices used at home, with data transmission to processing centers and attending physicians, will allow for constant monitoring of the health status of certain groups of children and prompt response to critical changes in monitored physiological parameters.</p> Noraliev I. A. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 12 6 364 366 ESCHATOLOGICAL MOTIVES IN THE SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL BY A. GOROKHOV “THE RELIANCE HERO” <p>The article is devoted to the study of A. A. Gorokhov’s novel “The Reluctant Hero”. The material examines the eschatological motifs identified in the novel. An analysis of the symbiosis of science fiction and Christian eschatological thought in the plot of the work is carried out.</p> Tatyana Djalalitdinovna Polatova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 12 6 367 369 REDUCED VOCABULARY IN MODERN RUSSIAN POLITICAL DISCOURSE <p>The article describes the features of the functioning of reduced vocabulary in political discourse.</p> Aslbek Ergashev Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 12 6 370 373 POSSIBILITIES OF INCREASING MOTIVATION OF GIRLS WRESTLERS WITH THE HELP OF PHYSICAL EXERCISES <p>The article confirms the need to develop scientifically based physical education programs for students, which help increase motivation for regular physical exercise and help improve the health of students.</p> Murodaliyeva Musharrafxona Tohirjon qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 12 6 374 378 RESEARCH OF STUDENTS' ATTITUDES TO THE VALUES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION <p>The article presents the results of an anonymous survey conducted among students of the Kokan State Pedagogical Institute, which allows us to assess the real attitude of students from the faculties of primary and preschool education of the institute to the values of physical culture.</p> Murodaliyeva Musharrafxona Tohirjon qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 12 6 379 386 STROKES TO THE PSYCHOLOGICAL PORTRAIT OF ZOSIMA IN THE NOVEL BY F.M. DOSTOEVSKY'S "THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV" <p>This article is devoted to the study and analysis of the literary hero, namely the image of Zosimus in the novel "The Brothers Karamazov" by Fyodor Dostoevsky. The image was considered through the archetype and psychotype, methods of psychological analysis of personality were used for analysis, including the theory of typologies by C.G. Jung and the concept of personality traits by A.E. Lichko.</p> Mustafayeva L.V. Ekabsons A.V. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 12 6 387 390 PARENTHETICALS IN M. A. BULGAKOV’S NOVEL “THE MASTER AND MARGARITA” <p>This paper describes the formal and functional characteristics of parentheticals in M. A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” and demonstrates the following functional types of parentheticals in this novel: parenthetical remarks, metalinguistic, metaspeech, metatextual, and communicative parentheticals.</p> Irina Yuryevna Kononova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 12 6 391 394 PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZING LABORATORY WORK IN PHYSICS LESSONS AND THEIR SOLUTIONS <p>The article discusses methodological approaches to conducting laboratory work in physics lessons, the role of physical science in choosing the future professional approach of students. The technique of performing laboratory work in physics with research elements of teaching based on a differentiated approach is described. Examples of laboratory work of varying degrees of complexity are given, the effectiveness of which has been debated.</p> Jumanov Anvar Alisherovich Azimova Gulsum Tolibovna Ibotov Oktamjon Navrozovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-16 2024-06-16 12 6 395 399 SOCIO-PHILOSOPHICAL IMPORTANCE OF RENAISSANCE CULTURE IN CENTRAL ASIA <p>We all know that in the 9th-12th centuries, the first Renaissance took place in Central Asia. The term "Renaissance" was originally applied to the cultural and spiritual rise in Italy (14th-16th centuries), which was evaluated as a stage of transition from medieval stagnation to a new era. But the Renaissance is not only a European phenomenon. In Movaraunnahr, several centuries earlier than in Italy (9th-12th centuries), a great cultural uplift took place, science, philosophy, literature developed, advanced humanitarian ideas occupied the public's mind, intellectual and creative activity flourished. In this article on the topic "Social-philosophical analysis of the Renaissance culture in Central Asia", we provide detailed information about the states that emerged during the first Renaissance in Central Asia after the end of the Arab Caliphate (9th century) and the form and structure of their state administration. given.</p> Nurlan Jamalov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 12 6 400 404 THE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL LEARNING ON STUDENT WELL-BEING <p>Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is essential for enhancing student well-being by supporting their emotional, social, and academic growth. This paper explores the impact of SEL on student well-being, based on an analysis of contemporary research and practices. SEL programs focus on cultivating skills in self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. Research indicates that engagement in these programs results in better emotional health, increased self-esteem, greater empathy, and reduced anxiety and aggressive behaviors in students. Furthermore, SEL contributes to improved academic performance by fostering a positive learning environment. The paper also examines strategies for integrating SEL programs into educational settings and underscores the importance of including these programs in school curricula to promote overall student well-being.</p> Rskhulova Dilafruz Abdusobir qizi Bekmirzayeva Niginaxon Temirbek qizi Pakhirdinova Madina Ushkuntaeva Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 12 6 405 407 THE EXPERIENCE OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF GENERAL CULTURAL COMPETENCIES OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS <p>This article describes the opinions of foreign scientists about the development of the competencies of future teachers.Pedagogical skills and general competencies of the future pedagogue in the educational process were discussed.</p> Soliyev Ilhomjon Sobirovich Shokirjonova Zuhraxon Murodjon qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 12 6 408 411 THE ROLE OF SELF-EMPLOYED ENTERPRISES IN THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE BLIND <p>This research aims to critically examine the employment problems of the visually impaired. The dynamics of the number of blind employees of production enterprises under the control of the Society of the Blind of Uzbekistan was analyzed in the period 2014-2023. Factors affecting the problems of these employees were grouped and analyzed. The economic results and social consequences of the reduction in the number of employees in enterprises were studied. Proposals and recommendations were developed to eliminate the above and other problems related to the employment of blind people.</p> Usmonov Ziyodulla Ulmas o'g'li Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 12 6 412 418 TOLERANCE TO PREVENT CULTURALLY DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIORS OF YOUNG PEOPLE BASED SERVICE <p>This article talks about the fact that tolerance is an attitude - a social value that ensures human rights, freedom and security , that education begins with creating an environment of tolerance, and about the definitions given to the concept of tolerance (tolerance) in the next decade.</p> Aytbayeva Gulchehra Yermekbayevna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 12 6 419 422 PHILOSOPHICAL VIEWS, ABSTRACTION AND HUMAN IMAGE IN THE STORIES OF NAZAR ESHANQUL <p>This article highlights the human image, abstractness, and philosophical views in the stories of Nazar Eshanqul. Mainly the analysis of modern stories of Nazar Eshanqul was considered.</p> Erkinova Maftuna Tulkinjonovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 12 6 423 425 STUDENT SATISFACTION WITH EDUCATION: DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES AND INTERRELATED FACTORS <p>In international contexts, student satisfaction stands as a crucial indicator of higher education quality. Evaluations primarily focus on specific aspects of the educational process rather than the subjective state of students. It is imperative to diagnose satisfaction as a key manifestation of the inner world and experiences of the individual in the field of psychology. From a practical perspective, the study of student satisfaction with education serves as a vital tool to assess and improve the quality of education and to enhance psychological support at both the individual and group levels. Furthermore, it serves as a direct indicator of the efficacy of interventions aimed at unleashing the personal potential of students. It's important to note that the development of techniques for measuring subjective indicators of higher education quality primarily relies on the iden-subject approach and studies of personal potential.</p> Mamadjanova Madina Aleksandrovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 12 6 426 430 INNOVATIONS IN THE FIELDS OF PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY IN THE PEROID OF NEW ERA <p>This paper explores the transformative innovations in pedagogy and psychology in the new era. It highlights the integration of technology, such as AI, VR, and gamification, which revolutionize learning experiences. The shift to online and hybrid models, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has reshaped educational strategies. Advances in neuroscience and positive psychology are enhancing understanding and practices in learning and mental health. Emphasis on inclusivity, diversity, and interdisciplinary approaches is creating more equitable and holistic educational environments. The focus on lifelong learning prepares individuals for continuous adaptation in a rapidly changing world. These innovations collectively enhance education and psychological well-being, fostering a resilient, inclusive, and knowledgeable society.</p> Sayfutdinova Nasiba Nurmamatovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 12 6 431 434 THE IMAGE OF A "TERRY EGOIST" IN THE PLAY BY EVGENY GRISHKOVETS "THE CITY" <p>The article discusses the structure and method of creating the image of a "terry egoist". The definition of the modern understanding of a remark as a plot-forming element, the transition of a remark from the category of a service function to the category of a compositional device is given. Special attention should be paid to the remarks of "silence": pause remarks, extended remarks of "silence" ("silent", "she is silent", "a short pause", "father is silent", "he stands silently nodding his head", "trying to say something") and the dots scattered in the narration of the text in huge numbers.</p> Alexandra Valeryevna Ekabsons Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 12 6 435 440 THE ROLE OF STYLISTIC DEVICES IN TRANSMITTING THE CONCEPTUAL INFORMATION OF THE TEXT <p>The present article focuses on the role of stylistic devices as means of activating knowledge structures and conveying conceptual information of the text. Previously, researches on stylistic devices have been carried out from the point of view of their structural and semantic organization and stylistic functions. Nevertheless, it is believed that the consideration of these phenomena can only be arrived at by means of a cognitive approach. In this respect stylistic devices are seen as means of transferring the conceptual information of a particular text, representing the conceptual world picture and knowledge structures. The paper analyzes stylistic devices from the point of view of cognitive approach focusing on the representation of conceptual world picture and reflection of knowledge structures.</p> Maulenbergenova Biybiayim Baxadurovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 12 6 441 443 ETYMOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF HISTORICAL TERMS AND THEIR DICTIONARIES <p>In the article, the origin, etymological description of historical terms in the existing dictionaries and the historical development of the lexeme-terms are discussed.</p> Khosiyat Abdukakhhorova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 12 6 444 447 CARDIOMARKERS IN THE FIRST HOURS OF ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION <p>In recent years, the definition of the components of the troponin complex of cardiomyocytes — troponin T and I - has been widely used in clinical practice. Their high specificity attracted the attention of cardiologists to them and in many ways changed the principles of modern diagnosis of MI. The myocardial protein troponin I (ThI) is found only in cardiomyocytes, it is not present in striated and smooth muscles.</p> Dadabayeva Nailya Akramovna Mahmudova Munira Safiyevna Kim Andrey Rudolfovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 12 6 448 450 FORMATION OF CREATIVE THINKING IN STUDENTS THROUGH PRIMARY CLASS LITERACY LESSONS <p>This article discusses the formation of creative thinking in students through literacy classes of teachers in primary grades.</p> Umarova Dilfuza Batiralievna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 12 6 451 453 THE IMPACT OF COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES ON TEACHING RUSSIAN TO TECHNICAL DISCIPLINE STUDENTS <p>In today's world, where technology significantly influences the educational landscape, the utilization of communication technologies in teaching foreign languages is paramount. This abstract introduces a research paper that evaluates the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in facilitating learning Russian as a foreign language for students pursuing technical majors. The paper explores the ways through which cutting-edge communication technologies can boost student engagement, enhance the comprehension of study materials, and simplify the integration of international students into a Russian-language setting. It closely examines the challenges and potential benefits of embedding these technologies into educational strategies, alongside the potential for crafting tailored and adaptable learning experiences through the use of ICT. The authors offer an evaluative framework for gauging the impact of communication technologies, drawing on student academic performance and feedback. This paper contributes significantly to the methodologies and practices of teaching Russian as a foreign language, offering insightful guidance for educators and program designers seeking to incorporate ICT into the curriculum of technical higher education institutions.</p> Gulchekhra Abdullaeva Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 6 454 460 PRIORITY DIRECTIONS AND PERSPECTIVES OF ENSURING THE TRANSPARENCY OF STATE POLICY ON YOUTH IN UZBEKISTAN <p>As a result of the reforms carried out in our country, today, efforts are being made to ensure the transparency and openness of all areas and directions of state activity.</p> Khudoberdiyev Jamoliddin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 6 461 464 TRANSPARENCY (OPENNESS) OF STATE YOUTH POLICY: CONCEPT AND LEGAL NATURE <p>Nowadays, the topic of openness of state authorities is discussed a lot in legal structures and scientific circles. The priority principles of the activity of state power institutions at all levels of management (vertical, horizontal, and others): it is a priority to inform citizens about the activities of state power institutions by increasing the transparency of the state apparatus, its efficiency, the quality of state services and their accessibility, control and accountability to institutions is considered Ensuring the guarantees of citizens' right to receive information about the activities of state power institutions, improving the professional skills and qualifications of civil servants working in state power bodies plays an important role in ensuring the openness of state power institutions.</p> Khudoberdiyev Jamoliddin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 6 465 468 THE PROCESS OF ENSURING THE TRANSPARENCY OF STATE POWER INSTITUTIONS AND ITS SPECIFIC FEATURES <p>In democratic societies, the openness and transparency of state institutions is important. Developed and developing countries are increasingly recognizing that free access to information is a cornerstone of democracy. Whether we're talking about the government or private companies that run public services, access to the data of these organizations means increased accountability and allows citizens to know what these organizations are doing and what they're using public money for. The use of information on the activities of state power institutions increases citizens' confidence in state institutions, allows citizens to understand state policy decisions and control their implementation. The openness and transparency of the activities of the institutions of state power is an important indicator of the effective implementation of the powers assigned to them, an indispensable condition for the establishment of a socio-legal state model, which cannot be implemented without the constant cooperation of citizens and authorities. The fact that the principle of openness is strengthened in many regulatory legal documents at the federal and regional levels increases its effectiveness. In a democratic state, it is a priority to increase the openness of state power institutions. Openness and transparency of the activities of state power institutions serve to increase citizens' trust in state bodies, reduce administrative obstacles and cases of corruption. The activity of state authorities is closed to citizens, it limits public control over their activities, it is characterized by the underdevelopment and low effectiveness of the procedures for ensuring the openness of state institutions. These problems lead to the strengthening of administrative barriers, the lack of transparency of the activities of executive authorities, and the low assessment of the effectiveness of the entire state management system by citizens.[2] In the process of ensuring the openness and transparency of the activities of the institutions of state power, it is important to strengthen the rights of citizens regarding freedom of information, to increase the responsibility of state bodies to the general public, and to establish a system of regularly informing citizens about the main directions of state policy.</p> Khudoberdiyev Jamoliddin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 6 469 472 ANALYSIS OF INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE IN ENSURING THE TRANSPARENCY (OPENNESS) OF STATE POLICY REGARDING YOUTH <p>Ensuring the openness and transparency of the activities of state power institutions in foreign countries has developed in a unique way. In developed foreign countries, special legal documents have been adopted that regulate the processes of citizens receiving information about the activities of state authorities, and the processes of presenting laws and other normative documents to the public. The process of ensuring that the state power institutions provide information about their activities to the public is regulated, and this is one of the important functions of the state. In many foreign countries, the government is obliged by law to ensure the free access of citizens to information about the activities of state power institutions. Quick and accurate delivery of information, information and documents related to state activities to the public.</p> Yuldasheva Khusnida Jumanazar qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 6 473 476 A METHOD FOR PRESERVING THE POPULATION OF SILKWORM CATERPILLARS IN THE EVENT OF SEASONAL FROSTS <p>Collecting, packing and storing a mulberry leaf in sealed cellophane bags of 40x50 cm in size of 2.5-3 kg of feed at a temperature of +2-+40C, and then feeding the caterpillars of the first two ages with this leaf in packages under a wet cover 2 times a day helps to preserve the population of silkworm caterpillars.</p> Abdrimova Gulbahor Erimmatovna Oripov Otabek Oripovich Eltaeva Aigerim Azat kizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 6 477 479 ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASES INFORMATION ABOUT ANGINA PECTORIS <p>Acute erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach or duodenum belong to a group of various diseases caused by many causes. The most common cause is peptic ulcer disease. Secondary gastroduodenal ulcer, which develops against the background of diseases of the cardiovascular system, is very relevant and one of the problems that has not been studied enough.</p> Nurxonov Jamshid Nuriddin o’g’li Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 6 480 484 INTEGRATIVE PEDAGOGY ENHANCING LEARNING THROUGH HOLISTIC APPROACHES <p>Integrative pedagogy is an instructional approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of knowledge and promotes a holistic understanding of subjects by integrating various disciplines, perspectives, and learning experiences. This article explores the concept of integrative pedagogy, its theoretical foundations, and its practical applications in educational settings. Drawing from research and best practices, we highlight the benefits of integrative pedagogy in fostering critical thinking skills, promoting interdisciplinary understanding, and preparing students for real-world challenges. Furthermore, we discuss strategies for implementing integrative pedagogy, including curriculum design, teaching methods, and assessment techniques. By adopting integrative pedagogy, educators can create dynamic learning environments that encourage students to make meaningful connections, develop a broad range of skills, and become lifelong learners.</p> Dilfuza Madgafurova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-22 2024-06-22 12 6 485 490 INTEGRATED PEDAGOGY APPROACHES TO ADDRESS THE MULTIFACETED PROBLEM OF HUMAN LONELINESS <p>Loneliness has emerged as a significant societal issue with profound implications for individuals' well-being and social cohesion. This scientific paper explores the application of integrated pedagogy approaches to address the multifaceted problem of human loneliness. By integrating various disciplines, perspectives, and strategies, integrated pedagogy offers a holistic framework for understanding, preventing, and mitigating loneliness. This paper examines the theoretical foundations of integrated pedagogy, discusses its benefits, and proposes practical strategies for implementing integrated pedagogy to address human loneliness. The findings highlight the potential of integrated pedagogy as a transformative educational approach to foster empathy, social connectedness, and well-being in individuals and communities.</p> Dilfuza Madgafurova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-22 2024-06-22 12 6 491 498 THORETICAL ANALISES POSIBLITIES FORMATION OF SPIRAL-SHAPED AND EXOTIC GALAXIES WITH THE INFLUENCE OF BLACK HOLES <p>This work examines the structure and process of evolution of disk-shaped galaxies, as well as the question of the existence of exotic galaxies.</p> Melibayev Muxtardjan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-22 2024-06-22 12 6 499 503 PREVIEW OF "MUBAYYAN" AND AQUACULTURE TEXTS <p>This article provides information about the intellectual issues outlined in Zahiriddin Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad's "Muabayyan" and the harmonious aspects of the aquaculture texts.</p> Gulruh Kenjaboy Mirzo qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-22 2024-06-22 12 6 504 510 IN THE UZBEK LANGUAGE, THE COMBINED SECOND-ORDER PARTS OF THE SENTENCE <p>In this article, the function and place of the conjunctive clauses in the sentence is explained with examples. It is also mentioned about the types according to the function performed in the sentence.</p> Bozorboyeva Shaxrizoda Ilhomjon's daughter Kochkarov son of Javlon Suyundik Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-22 2024-06-22 12 6 511 513 USE OF ICT IN PRACTICAL LESSONS OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS <p>This article is dedicated to the effective organization of physics lessons through digital technologies, and it talks about increasing the effectiveness of lessons by using the latest advances in digital technologies in physics lessons.</p> R.V. Kosimjonov A. B. Ne’matovv Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-22 2024-06-22 12 6 514 517 THE IMPORTANCE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY AND EFFICIENCY OF PHYSICS EDUCATION <p>This article is dedicated to the effective organization of physics lessons through digital technologies, and it talks about increasing the effectiveness of lessons by using the latest advances in digital technologies in physics lessons.</p> R.V. Kosimjonov A. B. Ne’matovv Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-23 2024-06-23 12 6 518 521 THE PROBLEM OF THE NEGATIVE IMPACT OF GADGETS ON THE HEALTH OF YOUNG CHILDREN AND METHODS OF THEIR SOLUTION <p>This article examines the multifaceted impact of gadgets on the health and development of young children, emphasizing both the benefits and risks associated with their use. It highlights research indicating that while interactive educational applications can support cognitive development, excessive screen time may impede speech, language, and emotional development. The detrimental effects on sleep quality and physical health, such as vision problems and reduced physical activity, are also discussed.</p> Elena Mikhaelovna Ljubimova Urinbaeva Azada Bakhadirovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-23 2024-06-23 12 6 522 524 PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS AND THEIR COMPONENTS <p>Pedagogical skills play an important role in the effective organization of teaching and learning processes. Ushpedagogical skills and various materials help to review the articles in every way. Through these components, teachers can improve their teaching and provide a more engaging and effective learning environment. In the article, pedagogic pedagogy looks, uses, educates, manages the classroom, communicates, acts, reviews. In addition, it discusses the professional importance of teachers to continuously maintain and renew their pedagogical skills. Three provide a valuable resource for current and aspiring educators seeking to improve their teaching practices and improve student success.</p> Risova Galiya Baybulatovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-23 2024-06-23 12 6 525 528 THE ROLE OF MODERN PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION <p>The rapid development of technology has revolutionized various aspects of human life, including education. Modern pedagogical technologies are playing a decisive role in turning traditional classrooms into dynamic and interactive learning environments. This article explores the impact of these technologies on education, discussing their benefits, challenges, and future prospects. Key areas of focus include online learning platforms, virtual reality, gamification, adaptive learning systems, and artificial intelligence. The integration of these technologies has the potential to increase student engagement, individualize instruction, and develop critical thinking skills. At the same time, serious attention should be paid to addressing issues related to accessibility, privacy and the digital divide. As education continues to evolve, the effective integration of modern pedagogical technologies offers great prospects for creating innovative and inclusive learning experiences.</p> Risova Galiya Baybulatovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-23 2024-06-23 12 6 529 532 BUILDING THE GAME WORLD: ENVIRONMENT AND DETAILS IN 3D GAMES <p>Creating environments in 3D games completely changes the experience of players. The environment allows the players to feel the game world and get deeper into it. This article details the techniques and processes involved in creating environments and details in 3D games.</p> Kurbanov Khurshid Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 12 6 524 529 SOME METHODS OF WORKING ON ARTISTIC PERFORMANCE IN CHORAL PERFORMANCE <p>In this article, some methods of working on artistic performance in choral performance, creation of an artistic image of a choral piece, voice being the main tool of art, working on voice, timbre images, working on the performance image of the work.</p> Sahibakhon Asqarova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 12 6 530 533 PREPARATION AND DESIGN OF MUSIC CULTURE LESSONS IN THE THIRD GRADE OF A GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL <p>This article cites the development of the third grade students in their psychological - physiological character, in expanding the circle of knowledge of music and methods of developing musical abilities of students, the lesson of music culture of the 3rd grade.</p> Sahibakhon Asqarova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 12 6 534 538 THEORETICAL APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF TOLERANCE FROM THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY <p>This article discusses the theoretical and practical problems of religious tolerance in classical psychological literature based on different theoretical approaches. Conceptual and differential analyzes of modern approaches to religious tolerance were also carried out.</p> Kholmatov M. A. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 12 6 539 541 ACQUAINTANCE WITH SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE AND THEIR ANALYSIS WITHIN THE TOPIC OF DIGITAL AUDIO SIGNALS AND SOUND FREQUENCY CORRECTION <p>Importance and application of digital audio signal analysis. The essence of digital television, the operation of sound signal synthesis to correct the psychophysiological state of a person, the results achieved by digital signal processing. Analysis of an automatic signal correction system to improve the sound quality of loudspeakers and rooms. Aspects of predictive modeling in acoustic design. Learning the basics of digital signal processing in telecommunication systems. Information systems based on biometric identification of users. Cluster information speech units models. Consider changing the timeline. Music signals, Digital signal processing filtering algorithm Sound equalization using Matlab.</p> Muhamadiyev Abdivali Shukurovich Isvandiyarova Madina Beknazarovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 12 6 542 546 THE ROLE OF LANGUAGE IDENTITY IN SOCIOLINGUISTICS <p>This article explores the significance of linguistic consistency in understanding individual identity and the interplay between language and society. It discusses the various traits of language, such as productivity and cultural transmission, and how they shape communication and social structures. The role of language in conveying both literal and non-literal meanings is highlighted, showcasing its power in reflecting identity and social status. Ultimately, language is shown to be a fundamental aspect of human existence, serving as a tool for communication, identity formation, and societal dynamics.</p> S. Sodikova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 12 6 547 550 THE PROCEDURE FOR EQUIPPING THE BIOLOGY ROOM IN GENERAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS <p>The requirements for the equipment of the biology room in schools of general secondary education have been changed along with the current modern technical equipment, as well as pedagogical, sanitary-hygienic requirements. It was concluded that the transformation of these requirements is important for the development of creativity in the teaching of biology.</p> Aliyeva Mavjudakhon Bakhromjon girl Otajonova Sarvigul Ravibjonova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 12 6 551 553 THE FUNCTION OF BORROWED WORDS IN ENHANCING AND MUTUALLY BENEFITING LANGUAGES <p>The extent to which borrowed words contribute to a language's vocabulary is influenced by the historical interactions of that language, shaped by linguistic exchanges, as well as political, economic, and cultural ties between nations. Uzbek history is marked by numerous instances of such interactions. It is the vocabulary of a language that is especially sensitive to shifts in the societal landscape. With increasing global interactions and the prominence of English as a language of commerce, Uzbek has seen a significant influx of words, leading to the enrichment of its lexicon.</p> Nishonova Shaxnoza Muxammadjonovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 12 6 554 558 TEACHING LISTENING AND ITS PECULIARITIES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING <p>This article deals with the study of the peculiarities of teaching listening in teaching FL, the difficulties students face and the ways of overcoming these difficulties have been investigated in detail.</p> Ataxojayev Toxirjon Maxmudjonovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 12 6 559 563 GAMES FOR DEVELOPING SPEAKING SKILLS AT BEGINNING STAGE <p>This article deals with the study of the peculiarities of using games for speaking comprehension in teaching FL, different types of games for the beginners have been recommended and investigated in detail.</p> Ataxojayev Toxirjon Maxmudjonovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 12 6 564 569 EXPRESSION OF SYNONYMS IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK LANGUAGES <p>This article investigates the expression of synonyms in both English and Uzbek, noting the parallels and variations in how synonymous connections are expressed in each language. Synonyms serve an important function in language, providing speakers with different words to communicate the same or related ideas. This research examines and contrasts the usage of synonyms in English and Uzbek, providing insight into how these linguistic occurrences are used and understood in both languages. By diving into the complexities of synonym usage in these two dissimilar language systems, this study hopes to improve our knowledge of linguistic variety and language expression.</p> Mamatova Nilufar Yorkinovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 12 6 570 574 IMPROVING THE GENERAL AND SPECIAL PHYSICAL FITNESS OF YOUNG BASKETBALL PLAYERS <p>In the article, the methods of using games as a physical tool in increasing the physical fitness of young basketball players were subjected to analysis. Information about the series of modern national action games is provided.</p> Aminov Batir Umidovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 12 6 575 577 FEATURES OF PHYSICAL AND TECHNICAL TRAINING OF VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS <p>The article discusses the basic concepts of physical training and technical training, tests on physical and technical training, considers the concept of movement accuracy, the purpose of the work is to determine the relationship between physical and technical training, a correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship between physical and technical training.</p> Aminov Batir Umidovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 12 6 578 580 DEVELOPMENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING OF YOUNG TRACK AND FIELD GIRLS <p>The article highlights the improvement and effectiveness of the methodology of using action games in increasing the psychological training of young track and field athletes.</p> Azizov Mukhammadjon Azamovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 12 6 581 583 DIGITAL HEALTHCARE INNOVATIONS: THE BOONS AND BANES FOR WOMEN’S HEALTH <p>This review aims to explore the impact of digital healthcare innovations on women’s health, investigating the advantages and disadvantages associated with the adoption of technology in the healthcare sector.</p> Annie Shrine B. Bharathi Deepa C. Philip Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 12 6 584 590 RHETORICAL FRAMEWORKS IN MOVE ANALYSIS <p>Swales’s (1990) seminal work on the rhetorical structure of the Introduction section of research articles has inspired a multitude of studies describing the moves that researchers in different disciplines make in their research papers. These frameworks of moves share many features but also vary to differing degrees, mainly in the levels of abstraction and conceptualisation. This paper examines some of the most comprehensive frameworks and explores their similarities and differences. Results from this analysis have important implications for future move-based research.</p> Thi Ngoc Phuong Le Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 12 6 591 598 OBJECTIVE CORRELATIVE IN THE ‘GHOSTS OF VASU MASTER’ <p>The present article delineates the thoughts of death in the novel The Ghosts of Vasu Master. The novel has temporary upsurge of philosophy which questions the perennial affect of death on the living. The article tries to demonstrate how Githa Hariharan portrays death using scary metaphors of Crow and Mouse. The Crow and its incessant cawing might draw attention of the reader towards death. On the other hand, the Mouse is understood to be an embodiment of the main character Vasu. The constant battle between Vasu (Mouse) and Death (Crow) is explicated in the article using the literary device objective correlative.</p> P. Rajani Prof.Y. Somalatha Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 12 6 599 604 INTEGRATING TIKTOK AS AN ACADEMIC AID IN THE STUDENT’S EDUCATIONAL JOURNEY <p>It is well-known that TikTok is a cutting-edge academic aid that significantly improves students' educational experiences thanks to its dynamic and entertaining platform. Initially perceived as purely an entertainment platform, TikTok has developed into an important instructional resource that can greatly improve students' learning outcomes. The aim of this literature review is to examine and consolidate the existing body of knowledge regarding TikTok's adverse impacts on students’ educational journey. This review explores how TikTok affects students' lives in several areas, including academic achievement. The findings of the collected evaluations in different literature reviews show both TikTok's positive and, at the same time, some negative features while also shedding light on the platform's possible risks and effects on students. Students may stay interested and involved in academics while gaining crucial digital literacy skills by integrating TikTok into their educational journey. It is recommended that teachers improve their pedagogical approach and reach a wider audience by sharing creative teaching techniques, classroom experiences, and motivational content on TikTok.</p> Genesis G. Genelza Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 12 6 605 614 THE EMERGENCE OF ELECTRONIC LITERATURE: THRESHOLD, TOOLS, TYPES AND TRENCHES IN ITS TRANSCONTINENTAL WORLD <p>The evolution of digital literature has transformed the conventional way of storytelling by integrating text, audio, images, video and interactive content which can engross a person completely in it. This article explores the dynamic shift from print changes to hyperlinks and multimedia integration. The emergence of augmented (enhanced) reality and virtual (not in physical or concrete form) reality amplifies this evolution, blurring the boundaries between fiction and reality. As technology continues to advance it also challenges the conventional notions of authorship and reader participation, fostering a dynamic and ever-changing literary landscape.</p> Mumtaz Mazumdar Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 12 6 615 622 FORMAL STRUCTURE OF TERMINOLOGY LEXEMAS IN INTERNATIONAL TOURISM <p>In this article, the problems of translation of international tourism, the analysis of the formal structure of the researched terminology lexemes, as well as the information about the structure of monolexemic units in the terminology of international tourism are widely covered.</p> Urinova Sitorabonu Baxtiyerovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 12 6 623 628 ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF FAN GANN AND SQUARE NINE IN THE FOREX MARKET (STUDY OF PERFORMANCE AND PROFITABILITY (XAUUSD)) <p>Gann angles and the square of nine for technical analysis are tools for tracking prices and determining the price trend for currency pairs. Gann angles are considered as a trend line, meaning the price direction, and when the price angles intersect, a price reversal occurs, and the square of nine for determining entry and price reversal areas, helps traders speculate in the markets. Different types such as (Forex), the stock market (Crypto), and other financial markets, Using programs that display price charts and technical analysis tools help in drawing the current path taken by the price (rise, width, decline) and determine for them the current location that the price has reached when combining more than one strategy, giving the market a clear future vision that helps traders make the best decision, and is The appropriate decision that suits the price location is the high decision (buy) or low decision (sell), and the occasional decision (wait), taking into account reducing the risks for those decisions and managing the capital.</p> Luay Ali Mahmood Anwar Mahmood Ghafoor Muneeb Khalaf mhameed Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 12 6 629 648 EFFECTIVE WAYS TO PREPARE CHILDREN WITH PRESCHOOL SPEECH DEFICIENCIES FOR SCHOOL EDUCATION <p>The goal of preschool education is to form a child's personality in a healthy and mature manner, prepared for school in accordance with the State requirements for the education of children of preschool age.</p> Makhmudova Madinakhan Sobirkhanovna Khaydarova Umidakhan Bakhromjonovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 12 6 649 654 PREPARING PRESCHOOL CHILDREN FOR READING AND LITERACY <p>To pronounce sounds correctly and to identify and form ideas about the sound composition of words. Understanding vowels and consonants. Development of phonemic perception and imagination based on teaching to distinguish voiced and unvoiced sounds. Creating sentences around this next sentence, thus continuing the work of perfecting the message and finishing it, acquires a great educational and educational value in terms of developing connected speech. The educational aspect is that children acquire additional knowledge and skills in logically connecting one sentence to another, using lexical and grammatical tools. The educational aspect can be seen in the fact that the sentences are meaningful and impressive.</p> Makhmudova Madinakhan Sobirkhanovna Ismailova Ehtibarkhan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 12 6 655 658 STAGES OF LOGOPEDIC INFLUENCE IN PREPARING CHILDREN WITH SPEECH DEFECTS FOR SCHOOL EDUCATION <p>The successful conditions of the speech therapy effect create good conditions for eliminating pronunciation deficiencies: emotional contact of the speech therapist with the child; organize training in an interesting way and conduct it in a work system that does not allow fatigue. Speech therapy classes are regularly held three times a week. Together with the parents, training should be conducted at home (on the basis of the tasks of the speech therapist). Classes everyday (2-3 times a day) for 5-15 minutes. Didactic materials are widely used to eliminate pronunciation defects.</p> Makhmudova Madinakhan Sobirkhanovna Mukhlisa Mirakhmedova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 12 6 659 654 TEACHING AND EDUCATION OF CHILDREN WITH PHONETIC-PHONEMATIC SPEECH DISORDERS <p>This phonetic-phonemic development of speech in children is a result of defects in the process of pronunciation and sound perception, a violation of the formation of the sound production system of the native language. Phonemic perception is formed very early as a sensory function.</p> Makhmudova Madinakhan Sobirkhanovna Ziyotova Gulyora Nazirjonovna Gafurova Nozimabonu Ubaydulla Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 12 6 665 669 INCLUSIVE AND INTEGRATED EDUCATION AS ONE OF THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF EDUCATION POLICY <p>One of the most urgent problems today is the issue of important tasks and the situation in the system related to children in need of social protection.</p> Makhmudova Madinakhan Sobirkhanovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 12 6 670 673 UNRAVELING THE ONOMASIOLOGICAL AND SEMANTIC-PARADIGMATIC DIMENSIONS OF DISEASE NAMES ACROSS SYSTEMATIC LANGUAGES: A COMPREHENSIVE INQUIRY <p>This article delves into the intricate interplay between language, culture, and medicine through an in-depth analysis of disease names across systematic languages. Employing the IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) structure, we scrutinize the onomasiological and semantic-paradigmatic aspects of disease nomenclature. Our research, drawing from linguistic theory and medical terminology, sheds light on the underlying principles guiding disease naming practices and their implications for medical communication and education.</p> Azamova Navruzkhon Zoyirjon qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 12 6 674 677 THE USE OF MODERN INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND ITS EFFECTIVENESS <p>This article analyzes effective methods in teaching a foreign language. The article covers modern methods such as communicative approach, task-based learning, total immersion method, audio-lingual method and use of technology. These methods are aimed at accelerating and improving the language learning process of students. In addition, it is emphasized that the learning process can be interesting and effective through approaches such as increasing student motivation, regular assessment and cultural context studies. The article also shows the importance of using methods adapted to individual needs in learning a foreign language. In this way, students acquire the necessary skills to be able to use the language successfully not only in class, but also in real life.</p> Mazmuna Otaboyeva Rakhimovna Yaya Tairou Aroouna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 12 6 678 681 CONTRIBUTIONS OF OUR GREAT COMPATRIOTS TO THE SCIENCE OF DRAWING AND ITS UNIQUENESS <p>While we are fascinated by the ancient buildings, unique pictorial and memorial works created in our country, feelings of pride arise in our hearts from the art and skills of the memory, painters and sculptors who created such a high art.</p> Botaev Ahmadali Ashirovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 12 6 682 684 CONNECTION WITH MODERN PRODUCTION OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS IN GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOLS <p>Mechanization and automation of production not only fundamentally changes the nature of the work of a person, but also changes the requirements for his technical training, and technical training is related to the skills of free preparation and reading of drawings. Therefore, in general education schools, it is necessary to pay attention to the science of drawing, to express one's own opinion and to read the technical opinions of others. In modern development, great demands are placed on the drawing. It is considered a prerequisite for a wide range of specialists, from the ability to know all these requirements and to understand the various signs adopted in the execution of the drawing, to the designer. Engineers and inventors certainly use drawings and create drawings in their creative activities. Let's say the architect thought of the future building and visualized it in his mind. But how to convey your thoughts to others without drawings? Without it, you cannot tell how to build a house, you cannot calculate and prove the possibility of building a structure. Modern production is seen on the basis of the development of technical thought. The graphic expression of the technical idea is related to the drawing. Buildings and structures are built using construction drawings. The first stage of any construction is drawing up a project assignment, and then working drawings are drawn.</p> Botaev Ahmadali Ashirovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 12 6 685 687 PSYCHOLOGICAL PREPARATION OF MILITARY SERVICEMEN BY MEANS OF PHYSICAL TRAINING <p>The conducted scienti c studies aimed at determining the features of the development of special physical qualities, the formation of military-applied motor skills and functional capabilities in military all-rounders cadets-athletes with different levels of sports tness allow us to conclude that they express the external and internal mechanism of adaptation of the body of military all-rounders cadets-athletes in the process of developing sports skills. This mechanism shows the degree of development and interrelationships of physical qualities, applied motor skills and functional capabilities of the body of all-rounders.</p> Rakhmetov Tohir Tulaganovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 12 6 688 690 DISCRIMINATION AGAINST BLACK AMERICANS <p>Human rights can be described as amours to protect and also they can also be described as rules that people are supposed to apply to achieve equality and social justice. Human rights have existed way since BBC and they cannot be destroyed by anyone<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a>. Human rights give equal rights to everyone the rich, the poor, old and young, black or white, tall and short and they require that one is respected with respect and treat others with respect. Moreover, human rights do not rely on promises or guarantees of other human beings. It only depends on being human enough to know that everyone has equal rights to do something no matter what someone’s else think or say. In light of this, fundamental rights have always been found to promise much such as a stop to discrimination and equal right to decent education among others.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Saidbek Mamasoliev Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 12 6 691 698 COMMUNICATIVE AND AESTHETIC ASPECT OF TEACHING LITERATURE IN HIGH SCHOOL <p>This article examines the influence of the communicative-aesthetic aspect in the formation of students as individuals, as well as the importance of using literary works not only for in-depth study of language and style, but also as a means of developing students’ communication skills. The relevance of fiction in modern education.</p> Zarema Zeytullayeva Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 12 6 699 700 "SINGER OF NATIVE NATURE" <p>The article examines Konstantin Paustovsky's unique approach to depicting nature in literature. For Paustovsky, nature is not just a backdrop for action, but a living source of inspiration that reflects the inner world of the characters and the author himself. This article invites the reader to plunge into the rich inner world of Paustovsky and his characters, where nature and man exist in harmony, complementing and enriching each other.</p> Ruzieva Dilfuza Norsaidovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 12 6 701 705 FORMING CREATIVITY IN CHILDREN THROUGH FOLK INSTRUMENTS <p>This article talks about improving the technologies of forming children's musical creativity with the help of Uzbek folk instruments.</p> Fazilov Q. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 12 6 706 708 BASIC PROCEDURES AND MEANS OF ORGANIZING INDEPENDENT EDUCATION OF STUDENTS <p>In the article, in the independent education of the student, the systematic organization of the agenda in daily life, the correct distribution of time, learning to complete each work in its own time, the correct organization of eating and sleeping time, making and following daily, weekly, monthly plans of work to be performed and completed information about the analysis of cases is given.</p> Fazilov Q. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 12 6 709 711 A LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF PROTAGONISTS IN JOHN GRISHAM'S LEGAL THRILLERS: "A TIME TO KILL" AND "THE FIRM" <p>This article presents a linguistic analysis of the protagonists in John Grisham's novels "A Time to Kill" and "The Firm." Through a qualitative examination of dialogue, narrative style, and rhetorical strategies, the study compares Jake Brigance and Mitch McDeere, highlighting how Grisham's linguistic choices shape their characters. The analysis reveals distinct differences in formality, tone, and speech patterns, reflecting the protagonists' professional roles and personal motivations. This exploration contributes to a deeper understanding of character development in legal thrillers and Grisham's narrative techniques, examining aspects such as legal fiction, character development, linguistic characterization, narrative style, dialogue analysis, and rhetorical strategies within the context of the legal thriller genre. By uncovering the linguistic portrayal of the protagonists and exploring themes of moral dilemmas, ethical conflicts, and professional identity, this study sheds light on the intricate relationship between language and identity in Grisham's works.</p> Tojiyev Xonimqul Rahmatullayeva Nozima Ne’matulla qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 12 6 712 716 POPULATION OF THE KOKAND KHANATE IN HISTORICAL SOURCES AND LITERATURE <p>This article uses local sources, archival information, works of foreign tourists and scientists, collections and publications written during the Russian Empire, as well as information given in literature published during the Soviet period and the years of independence on the ethnic composition, location and occupation of the population , living on the territory of the Kokand Khanate. There is a lot of information about the main ethnic groups, their role in the political and social life of the country, their places of residence and their way of life. The article also reflects the processes of arrival and settlement of Uzbek tribes in this region.</p> Ruzmatova Shakhodat Abdukakhkharovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 12 6 717 723 MODERN CONDITIONS OF DISTANCE LEARNING IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM <p>This article examines the current state of distance learning in higher education, analyzing the technological, pedagogical, and institutional conditions that shape its implementation. It highlights the challenges and opportunities presented by online education, drawing on recent research and case studies to provide a comprehensive overview of how higher education institutions are adapting to modern conditions.</p> Hakimova Mushtariybonu Abduvalieva Sayyora Alisher qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 12 6 724 726 FACTORS OF AGGRESSION IN PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY <p>This article explores the factors contributing to aggression in professional environments. It examines the underlying causes, including organizational culture, job stress, interpersonal conflicts, and individual personality traits. By analyzing these elements, the study aims to provide insights into managing and mitigating aggressive behaviors at the workplace.</p> Nalibaeva Chulpon Bakhit qizi Akhrorov Sherzod Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 12 6 727 729 SOME ASPECTS OF THE THERMAL PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS <p>The article outlines the main principles about the thermal movement of particles in crystals. Thermal expansion is caused by an increase in the energy of vibrating particles. The vibrations become anharmonic (non-harmonic). If, when heated, a solid body does not have the opportunity to expand freely, then very large stresses arise, which must be taken into account in practice.</p> Bozorov Nosirzhon Sodikovich Z. N. Yusupov Umurkulov Kayumjon Parpievich Alisherov Otabek Alisher coals Zhaloliddinova Sarvigul Odiljon kizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 12 6 730 734