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Dr. Smritikana Ghosh


Education cannot fulfill its mission and society cannot reap benefits unless and until the educational needs of disadvantaged groups are properly addressed. It requires dedication, involvement and innovation besides huge resources. Imposing readymade blue print is unwise. Appropriate strategies and programmes suited to their local requirements need to be evolved. Our constitutional directives for universalisation of school education will be achieved not only by providing equal opportunity for enrollment, changing the quality of facilities, increasing the teaching personnel services provided or through shifts in curriculum but significant improvement in the quality of guiding teaching and learning process in education is the process of aiding a single student to achieve their full educational potential. In this process, students are helped to make decisions and modifications about schools, curriculums, courses, and school activities. There will be little progress until every student has access to a learning environment that encourages personal growth. Selecting an occupation is unquestionably a life-altering decision.

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How to Cite
Dr. Smritikana Ghosh. (2021). AN INTRODUCTION ON EDUCATIONAL GUIDANCE. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 9(11), 133–139. Retrieved from


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