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Dicky Andriyanto
Anak Agung Gde Satia Utama



Since the Covid-19 outbroke and affected business activities, the income obtained by the community tends to stagnate and even declined as well as the performance of BUMDes has decreased because they have not been able to survive and only relied on conventional methods in their business. BUMDes as a village business institution that encourages the economy in rural economy must have a method or business model that is in accordance with current conditions that tend to use technology. The problem is that BUMDes do not yet have a business model that is in accordance with current business activities. This research developed a canvas business model for BUMDes by adding the concept of revitalization-optimization to strengthen and maximize human and natural resources so BUMDes became a competitive institution. This model was a contribution to encourage the BUMDes business to be better and also as solutions to current environmental issues. In the future, the integration of the business model canvas and revitalization-optimization concept will be able to answer business challenges that prioritize technology, strengthen human resources, and maintain the environmental sustainability.

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How to Cite
Dicky Andriyanto, & Anak Agung Gde Satia Utama. (2022). RECONSTRUCTING BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS FOR BUMDES. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(8), 101–114. Retrieved from


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