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Aziz Sh. Tajiev


The article analyzes the history of the written collection of hadiths in the VII-VIII centuries, in particular, the methods and approaches used by the hadith scholars in the selection and adoption of hadiths. From the historical point of view, this process is divided into the periods of the companions, the successors (tabiun) and the people who lived after them, and the peculiarities of each of them, the methods used in practice were studied on the basis of sources. At the same time, the factors that led to the emergence and acceleration of the process of compiling hadiths are described. From the first stage of the history of the collection of hadiths to the ninth century, which is recognized as the "golden age" of the science of hadith, the process of "kitabah", "tadvin", "ta’lif" and "tasnif" is the process that lasted until the creation of the main collections of hadith.

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How to Cite
Aziz Sh. Tajiev. (2022). HADISLEARNING JOZMA JAMLANISH DIVIDED INTO HISTORICAL LEVELS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(7), 35–39. Retrieved from https://internationaljournals.co.in/index.php/giirj/article/view/2360


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