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Abdreimov D.
Elmuratov Tursinbek Tilegen ugly


Today, more than ever, the question of the formation of the aesthetic culture of the individual, raising the level of culture of each individual person, especially among the younger generation, is relevant. The Republic of Uzbekistan is taking decisive steps in this direction. So, in order to educate harmoniously developed, independently thinking, proactive and energetic youth, able to take responsibility for the future of our country, use their potential in the name of the interests of the people, as well as realize their intellectual and creative potential, the “On State Youth Policy” was adopted. ” dated September 14, 2016 No. ZRU-406, Decrees and resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to improve the effectiveness of the state youth policy and support the activities of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan” dated July 5, 2017 No. UP-5106, “On the formation of a Trust Fund for support for the sphere of spirituality and creativity”, “On measures to radically improve the system of spiritual and educational work”, “On additional measures to comprehensively support youth and further increase their social activity” dated July 13, 2021 and a number of other regulatory legal acts that were aimed at effectively solving problems in this particular area. e. The President pointed out that “the construction of New Uzbekistan is a continuation of an independent national development at a new stage, with an even deeper study of our ancient and recent history, unique cultural heritage. The creative search, efforts and aspirations of the younger generation will turn into a powerful creative force tomorrow.

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How to Cite
Abdreimov D., & Elmuratov Tursinbek Tilegen ugly. (2022). FORMATION OF AESTHETIC CULTURE AMONG SCHOOLCHILDREN THROUGH FINE ARTS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(7), 10–12. Retrieved from


Закон Республики Узбекистан «О государственной молодежной политике» от 14.09.2016 г. № ЗРУ–406 // 2. Указ Президента Республики Узбекистан № УП-5106 от 5 июля 2017 года о мерах по повышению эффективности государственной молодежной политики и поддержке деятельности Союза молодежи Узбекистана // 3. Новый Узбекистан – страна демократических преобразований, больших возможностей и практических дел //