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Urunbayev Safarbek Samatovich


The  aim  of  the  study  is  to  create  a  parametric  model,  using which it will be possible to formulate a program of measures carried out during the scientific and technical support of construction (STSC) for each specific  object,  as  well  as  increase  the  efficiency  of  construction production  by  preventing  unaccounted  indicators  during  design.  The uniqueness of this model lies in the fact that it adapts to the conditions of any  object  of  high-rise  construction.  As  a  result,  it  will  be  possible  to simulate a set of measures for the implementation of STSC for each unique object.  Since  the  construction of  a  unique high-rise building  requires  the use of STSC, the question arises of the application of various methods and methods  at  each  object.  The  unique  high-rise  buildings  and  structures considered within the framework of the  STSC  are unique, therefore, each needs  to  apply  its  own  parameters  relevant  to  a  particular  facility.  For example, we can say that any parameter associated with the monitoring of the bases will be different for each  object, since the ground conditions for each building under construction are different. To create a model, a number of  parameters  were  selected  that  are  most  necessary  for  inclusion  in  the STSC  regulation  for  the  construction  of  unique  high-rise  buildings,  and each parameter has its own criterion that varies depending on changes in the  characteristics  of  the  construction  object.  All  parameters  are  either related to actual data on the construction object, such as: air temperature, soil conditions, material of load-bearing structures, etc., or depend on and are  regulated  by  the  regulatory  documents  of  the  Russian  Federation.  In this case, one can avoid the subjective opinion that occurs when using the method  of  expert  assessments.  Also,  avoiding  the  method  of  expert assessments  can  reduce  the  time  spent  on  the  study  itself,  obtaining  a result, and making a forecast.

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How to Cite
Urunbayev Safarbek Samatovich. (2022). SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT IN CONSTRUCTION. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(1), 189–194. Retrieved from


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