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Israilova Dildora Botirovna


Geographical sciences, which study the problems of ‘ nature-population-economy’, can and should serve as the basis for interdisciplinary research on important issues of the environment and the national use of natural resources. Indeed, ‘the potential of geography in solving problems of the society-nature (human-environmental) system is enormous and can cooperate with ecology, which is currently engaged in the rational use of nature and the solution of environmental problems, and in some cases this science. Because ecology is traditionally a biological science, its research focuses only on biotic components. The geographical view of nature, as noted by AG Isachenko (1992), is broader than the ecological view, and this therefore, geography can lead in the development of the basics of rational use, protection and improvement of the environment. A complex that allows for a comprehensive analysis of the environment in order to optimize it in geographical research the application of the approach and the role of geography between the natural and social sciences further enhances the role of geography in the study of environmental problems. However, this does not diminish the importance of ecology in solving environmental problems, since there is a lot in common between geography and ecology, and geography applies ecological principles on a large scale in the study of environmental problems. Therefore, ecology and geography are close, complementary sciences. Due to their closeness, as noted above, a new scientific direction – geoecology – has emerged and is developing in their range, which has an integrative charater that uses geographical and ecological approaches in its research.

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How to Cite
Israilova Dildora Botirovna. (2021). SCIENTIST OF THE CONCEPT OF NATURAL ECONOMIC SYSTEM. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 9(12), 548–550. Retrieved from


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