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Рахматова Дилнора Саиджоновна


Recurrent herpetic stomatitis (RHS) is a common viral disease among children caused by the Herpes simplex virus (HSV). The disease is characterized by frequent recurrences, negatively affecting patients' quality of life. Research indicates that a comprehensive approach to RHS treatment is the most effective. In addition to traditional antiviral therapy, innovative methods such as immunomodulators, laser therapy, probiotics, and phytotherapy play a significant role. This article analyzes the effectiveness of these methods and discusses current scientific approaches to disease prevention.

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Рахматова Дилнора Саиджоновна. (2025). LITERATURE REVIEW ON THE MODERN THERAPY OF RECURRENT HERPETIC STOMATITS AMONG CHILDREN. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 13(3), 58–62. Retrieved from


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