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Муслимов Б. Б.
Холиков А. А.
Рустамов Э. С.
Муслимов Ж. Б.


The article discusses the refining of crude cottonseed oil, which is a complex, multi-stage process carried out on the basis of physical, physicochemical and chemical methods of processing oils and fats in order to improve their quality, nutritional and biological value. Oil refining occurs due to the adsorption of coloring substances on aluminum oxide, which is formed from sodium aluminate during the technological process. In the composition of crude oil, a number of concomitant substances are effectively removed in the form of hydrophilic sodium compounds - free fatty acids, phospholipids, free and some dark-colored forms of altered gossypol.

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How to Cite
Муслимов Б. Б., Холиков А. А., Рустамов Э. С., & Муслимов Ж. Б. (2025). DEODORIZATION AND REFINING OF COTTONSEED OIL. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 13(3), 32–36. Retrieved from


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