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Raufov Humoyun
Saidov Sardor


In this paper, we present a flexible and robust technique for simulation and optimization of the dynamic characteristics of an electric vehicle (EV). The paper uses analytical and systematic analysis methods, and most of the results are obtained using the PHYTON program and verified several times. The EV model is an event-based discrete modeling method used in EV research to improve the efficiency and performance of various EV components. Here, the EV model is applied to EV research in several ways, including battery management optimization, powertrain design and control strategy evaluation, and driver behavior analysis. The main EV elements, including the battery, motor, generator, internal combustion engine, and power electronics, are included in the mathematical model of a dynamic EV. The model is based on the principle of energy conservation. The model includes the electrical power output, battery charge level, motor torque, engine output, generator power, internal combustion engine torque, mechanical power delivered to the generator, and power electronics, motor, generator, and engine. The model is validated using a numerical method called the Runge-Kutta 4-order method for dynamic electric vehicle performance under various driving conditions for maximum efficiency and performance. The DXS model is found to provide a systematic method for simulating and optimizing the behavior of complex ETV systems.

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How to Cite
Raufov Humoyun, & Saidov Sardor. (2024). OPTIMIZATION OF A MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE DYNAMICS OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(12), 246–251. Retrieved from https://internationaljournals.co.in/index.php/giirj/article/view/6128


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