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Nasirova Shaira Narmuradovna


This article presents information on the effectiveness of computer modeling for optimizing the flotation process. Scientific research is being conducted worldwide to develop scientific foundations aimed at improving technological automated computer systems of processes and devices based on systems thinking and analysis. In this regard, special attention is paid to the effective management of the composition of technological processes for flotation of potash ores, monitoring the concentration of valuable components and reducing them in waste, efficient operation of the flotation system, reducing energy costs, and reducing the content of harmful substances in technological environments to a minimum level. At the same time, the search for optimal solutions for technological processes in practice is one of the main areas of technical development aimed at increasing productivity, improving product quality, reducing costs, facilitating working conditions and protecting the environment

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How to Cite
Nasirova Shaira Narmuradovna. (2024). EFFICIENCY OF COMPUTER SIMULATION OPTIMIZATION OF FLOTATION TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(12), 214–217. Retrieved from https://internationaljournals.co.in/index.php/giirj/article/view/6119


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