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Sayora Rashidova
Iroda Pulatova


Sufism, also known as “tasawwuf “- Islamic manifestation of mysticism, has been one of the most discussed topics between Muslim and non-muslim world. Historically there emerged serious argumentations around Sufism sm and in every possible aspect of it, including origin of the name of Sufism, which directly concerns the problem of Sufism`s background and divergent opinions about the late Sufism schools, within the traditional Islamic scholars and the muslim society, especially in middle ages. At some point the doctrine of Sufism might seem contradictory to the traditional Islamic creed, sometimes due to misinterpretation of esoteric conceptions and occasionally because of the appropriated concepts brought in to the Sufism by pseudo-sufisms. The late caused considerably major deformations to the original appearance of Tasawwuf, whereas these shifts changed the views towards Sufism, of not only ordinary people amongst the Muslim society and non-Muslims, but Islamic scholars as well. Mostly, such kind of misrepresentations are observed in the praxis and rituals of Islamic mysticism. Besides, the multiplicity of Sufism orders, each offering different approaches to Sufism, make it even more complicated for a research.

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How to Cite
Sayora Rashidova, & Iroda Pulatova. (2021). RITUALS AND DEVOTIONAL PRACTICES IN SUFISM. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 9(11), 603–604. Retrieved from https://internationaljournals.co.in/index.php/giirj/article/view/561


Spencer Trimingham, The Sufism Orders in Islam, Oxford University Press

Carl W. Ernst (2003), Tasawwuf (Sufism), Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World

Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, Classical Islam and the Naqshbandi Sufism tradition,Islamic Supreme Council of America.

See Shaikh Muhammad Sadiq Muhammad Yusuf, Tasawwuf haqida tasawwur(Notion about Sufism, Tashkent: Sharq publication 2010 )

Maqsood, Ruqaiyyah Waris (English universities press: September 15, 1994). Teach Yourself Islam. Teach Yourself World Faiths. Teach Yourself.

Hakim Moinuddin Chisti The Book of Sufism Healing

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