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Gerald DG. Mabuti


This study entitled “Improving Students’ Mathematics Self-Efficacy and Learning Achievement Through Game-Based Approach in Instruction” determined and investigated the effects of the integration of game-based approach in instruction in the students’ mathematics self-efficacy and learning achievement. This study was conducted at Aliaga National High School during the first quarter of the school year 2022-2023. The subjects, with a total of forty (40) students, were selected using purposive sampling. The quasi-experimental research design was utilized in this study, specifically the pretest-posttest design. The findings of this study revealed that the integration of game-based approach in instruction yield a positive effect on both mathematics self-efficacy and learning achievement. The students’ mathematics self-efficacy and learning achievement was improved as reflected on the scores obtained by the students. There is a significant difference in the mathematics self-efficacy and learning achievement of the students before and after the integration of game-based approach in instruction. Game-based approach in instruction contributed in improving the students’ mathematics self-efficacy and learning achievement. It was also found out that there is a significant relationship between the mathematics self-efficacy and learning achievement of the students.

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How to Cite
Gerald DG. Mabuti. (2024). IMPROVING STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICS SELF-EFFICACY AND LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT THROUGH GAME-BASED APPROACH IN INSTRUCTION. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(3), 115–125. Retrieved from


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