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Hamroyev Sherzod Gulmurotovich
Xoliqova Kamola Aliqul qizi


Drilling and blasting operations in the general public work technology in the development of mineral deposits, composed mostly of rock, are one of the main production processes. Drilling wells is a time-consuming and expensive process. The cost of drilling operations at open-up to 25 - 40% of the total cost of production of 1 ton of rock. Increasing drilling blasting holes can be achieved through the use of new, more effective rock cutting tool, a rational choice of types and more advanced technology of their application in the given mining conditions.
Therefore, with increasing volumes of roller cone drill blast holes in open cast mining development of new standardized types of cutters cone bits it is very urgent scientific challenge.

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How to Cite
Hamroyev Sherzod Gulmurotovich, & Xoliqova Kamola Aliqul qizi. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS FOR IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF ELECTRICITY IN ELECTRICAL SUPPLY SYSTEMS OF MINING ENTERPRISES. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(2), 386–396. Retrieved from


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