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Dr.Pradnyashailee Bhagwan Sawai


Psychoanalysis is a system of psychological theory and therapy which aims to treat mental disorders by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the mind and bringing repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind by techniques such as dream interpretation and free association. The meaning of the term trauma has been taken from a "stress or blow that may produce disordered feelings or behavior" to a "state or condition produced by such a stress or blow". In other words, the term trauma refers to the state of mind which results from an injury. It is a fantasy which can be read as an articulation of trauma. It is a devastating and damaging experience. It is an experience lived belatedly at the level of its unspeakable truth which is revealed in psychoanalytic theory. So that psychoanalysis can consider the "textual anxieties" surrounding the representation of trauma.

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How to Cite
Dr.Pradnyashailee Bhagwan Sawai. (2021). TRAUMA AND PSYCHOANALYSIS:AN INTRODUCTION. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 9(11), 282–285. Retrieved from


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