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Ortikova Dilbar Ortikovna


The article scientifically analyzes the leading role of tolerance towards women in Islam. In the Ancient East, women played an invaluable role in the development of spirituality and enlightenment. Turning over the pages of history, testifying to the ancient labyrinth, we see that the names of people and heroes are glorified in all spheres of our society. It is scientifically studied that the greatest scientists of mankind have always tried their best to make women's labor easier and improve their living conditions, while great poets and writers have portrayed women in elegant works.

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How to Cite
Ortikova Dilbar Ortikovna. (2021). TOLERANCE OF WOMEN IN ISLAM. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 9(11), 259–263. Retrieved from


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Annotated translation of the Holy Quran into Uzbek. The author of the translation and commentary is Alouddin Mansur (Surat an-Nisa, 32). - Tashkent: "Cholpon" 2001.

Annotated translation of the Holy Quran into Uzbek. The author of the translation and commentary is Alouddin Mansur (Surat an-Nisa, 7). - Tashkent: "Cholpon" 2001.

Annotated translation of the Holy Quran into Uzbek. The author of the translation and comments is Alouddin Mansur (Surat at-Tauba, 71). - Tashkent: "Cholpon" 2001.

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