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To‘rayev Shoyadbek Axmadjonovich
Soliyev Nozimjon Azimjon oʻgʻli
Abdulazizova Muslimaxon Sanjarbek qizi


(Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20) Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to answers with you. There are many types of activities. The model of the process of life's activities can be imagined in general in the form of a living environment.

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To‘rayev Shoyadbek Axmadjonovich, Soliyev Nozimjon Azimjon oʻgʻli, & Abdulazizova Muslimaxon Sanjarbek qizi. (2023). THE IMPACT OF COMPOSITE POLYMER MATERIALS ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND HUMAN HEALTH. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(11), 666–669. Retrieved from


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