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Djumaniyazova Tamara Adambaevna


In this article, opinions and reflections on the basic concepts of the theory of physical education are discussed. Physical education is an integral part of the education system that promotes holistic development by nurturing physical, mental, and social well-being. Rooted in a rich theoretical framework, goes beyond the confines of a classroom, imparting invaluable life skills. One of the central tenets of is the holistic development theory, emphasizing the harmonious growth of an individual’s physical, intellectual, emotional, and social aspects. This theory posits that physical activity is not merely a bodily endeavor but a catalyst for overall personal growth.

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How to Cite
Djumaniyazova Tamara Adambaevna. (2023). BASIC THEORIES AND CONCEPTS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUBJECT. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(11), 222–225. Retrieved from


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