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Hilola Ismailova Inomovna


Given article is devoted to the study of the gadget of workout routines proposed by way of I. A. Gruzinskaya to the improvement of the concept of the machine of workouts. Given article discuses her machine of workout routines based totally on the aim of teaching: to train college students a complete mastery of the language (oral speech, analyzing and writing). Also it reveals the ways she used to create workouts that would cowl all components of the language (vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics) and correspond to the intellectual techniques that manifest throughout its assimilation — recognition, memorization, and reproduction.

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How to Cite
Hilola Ismailova Inomovna. (2023). THE ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF EXERCISES IN DEVELOPING ORAL SKILLS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(10), 417–424. Retrieved from


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