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Batirov Farxod Avazovich


The article is widely covered from a scientific point of view. Cybersecurity plays an important role in the world of information technology. Currently, data security is one of the biggest problems. The first thing that comes to mind when we think about cybersecurity is cybercrime, which is developing rapidly day by day. To protect yourself from any threat that may come from cyberspace, it is necessary that the self-defense system is always in a phase of flexible response, while for protection it is necessary to use the opportunities created by cyberspace, the Internet and social networks, and similar information.

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How to Cite
Batirov Farxod Avazovich. (2023). BASICS OF CYBERSECURITY, TECHNOLOGIES AND IMPORTANT NUANCES. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(10), 245–250. Retrieved from


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