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Jumanazarova Zuhra Qosimjonovna


Engineering and computer graphics should be thoroughly studied by future engineers, this is the demand of the time. Every new idea put forward in engineering creativity was previously "baked" in drawings made by hand, using drawing tools, but now it is necessary to do such work on a computer. Drawings made on a computer have a number of advantages in terms of their quality, accuracy and ease of application to the production process. But creating drawings with such qualities requires the designer to master computer graphics perfectly. In our research, we strive to provide educational materials in the form of a matrix exercise system, which consists of traditional exercises, but combined into a two-dimensional scheme. The correspondence between the content and spatial relations of equal knowledge of the elements of the matrix includes the nature of interaction, as a result of which the systematic quality or regularity of systematic knowledge is ensured.

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How to Cite
Jumanazarova Zuhra Qosimjonovna. (2023). DIDACTIC FOUNDATIONS OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE ENGINEERS BASED ON GRAPHIC INFORMATION. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(10), 152–156. Retrieved from https://internationaljournals.co.in/index.php/giirj/article/view/4454


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