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Kenjayev Nurolim Jumanazarovich


Describing the first decade of the 21st century on the pages of history, humanity draws conclusions from the experience of previous eras. In particular, the results of two world wars in the 20th century were such that such terrible events as invasion of other countries were prohibited in the world. That is why the study of the history of colonial authoritarian regimes that lasted until the beginning of the 19th and 20th centuries is of great scientific importance for obtaining important historical and social conclusions. The history of the Turkestan region in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries is a period associated with the establishment of an autocratic system of governance in the country. The content of this article is devoted to the analysis of information about events related to the history of the Samarkand region after the conquest of our country by the Russian Empire.

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How to Cite
Kenjayev Nurolim Jumanazarovich. (2023). ANALYSIS OF SOURCES RELATED TO THE EMERGENCE OF THE ZARAFSHAN DISTRICT. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(10), 96–101. Retrieved from


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