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Inam Hussein Radhi Obaid Al-Murshidy
Aqila Qahtan Kareem Bahiya
Roqaya Kazem Hamza Al-Murshidi


This research aims to determine the relationship between the dimensions and customer culture. Consumer culture dimensions consist of social factors, personal characteristics, and customs and traditions. Digital marketing fulfills the needs of companies in modern times. In this case, the department intended to provide new services to its customers .This research adopted all of them which were subjected to validity and reliability tests. Several statistical means were used to test the hypotheses, facilitated by SPSS version 23.

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Inam Hussein Radhi Obaid Al-Murshidy, Aqila Qahtan Kareem Bahiya, & Roqaya Kazem Hamza Al-Murshidi. (2023). DIGITAL MARKETING AND ITS ROLE IN ACHIEVING CUSTOMER CULTURE. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(10), 1–9. Retrieved from


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