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Ahmed Mankhi Gshayyish


The current research aims to study the impact of marketing deception on customer satisfaction practised by online shopping companies, as many of these companies deceive customers in terms of the quality of the product provided or the service or price that does not reflect the actual value of the product or utilizing promotional means that show the opposite of what is utility. Thus, it influenced the customer's ultimate satisfaction and the statistical program Spss v.26 and Amos v.26 were used to analyze data. The results showed a robust reverse correlation between the variable of marketing deception in its dimensions and customer satisfaction. The practical results showed a significant impact of marketing deception on customer satisfaction, concluding that the former has a significant impact on the latter, as marketing deception contributes to a negative impact on customer satisfaction, which requires regulators to monitor unethical behaviour.

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How to Cite
Ahmed Mankhi Gshayyish. (2023). MARKETING DECEPTION AND ITS IMPACT ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(8), 27–38. Retrieved from


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