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Dr. Mallam Naveen


Teaching the English Language to the non-native speakers is one of the challenging tasks to be taken up by the teachers. As a consequence of the social and psychological barriers and the factor influenced by the affective filter in learning the English language in the Second Language learning situation, it may be sometimes futile to exercise in learning the target language. Despite the reality and hard fact, the teachers still strive hard to reap the result for the desired outcome. In such a way that every teacher tends to forego time and energy for the goal to be obtained in the learning environment for the fostered learning outcomes.The present paper deals with the situation of the learning of the foreign tongue, the English language. English as the second language learning has made the learners to indulge themselves into the new learning situation. The skills of the language have to be reoriented in agreement with the target language. The undergraduate students are given more number of opportunities in the name of restructured curriculum in tune with the four language skills. It particularly tries to testify the subtleties of reading skills through contextualised learning situations.

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How to Cite
Dr. Mallam Naveen. (2023). READING SKILLS THROUGH CONTEXTUALISED LEARNING SITUATION. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(6), 13–16. Retrieved from


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