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Mamedov Umid Sunnatovich
Sokhibova Ziyoda Rakhmanova
Muratov Ramazan Farkhodovich


Urothelial cancer ranks 4th in the prevalence of malignant tumors after prostate (or breast) cancer, lung and colorectal cancer. Among the malignant neoplasms of the kidneys, the main and most common histological form is renal cell carcinoma, which occurs in 85-90% of cases. Excretory urography , which was previously a "first-line" study in patients with pathology, is now increasingly being replaced by computed urography and, somewhat less frequently, magnetic resonance urography.

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Mamedov Umid Sunnatovich, Sokhibova Ziyoda Rakhmanova, & Muratov Ramazan Farkhodovich. (2021). MODERN TECHNIQUES IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF VOLUMETRIC PROCESSES OF THE URETERS. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 9(10), 620–627. Retrieved from


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