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Saliхova Ozoda Abdullayeva
Sidikova Gulchekhra Abdujalolovna


Obtaining ion associates is one of the main ways of modifying electronegative or electropositive organic reagents with surfactant ions having an opposite charge. This path is typical for ionic surfactants and reagents that give ions in aqueous solutions. The formation of the corresponding ion associates can be predicted. For a long time it was believed that due to the high dielectric constant of water in aqueous solutions, the formation of ion pairs is unlikely. Surfactant ions interact with an organic reagent through an analytical-active group, so there is no competition with the formation of a reagent complex with a metal ion. This makes it possible to create a large number of practically new, more effective modified reagents from known organic reagents. This path is typical for ionic surfactants and chromophore polydentate chelating or, in general, complexing reagents.

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How to Cite
Saliхova Ozoda Abdullayeva, & Sidikova Gulchekhra Abdujalolovna. (2023). MODIFICATION OF ORGANIC REAGENTS BY THE FORMATION OF IONIC ASSOCIATES WITH SURFACE-ACTIVE SUBSTANCE. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(4), 898–902. Retrieved from


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