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Salimov Arifdjan Muslimovich
Kurganov Uktamjon, Kurganova Zulayho


Each of the residential buildings established in the centers of the historical cities of Uzbekistan is a separate object with its own characteristics. However, they have similarities and common features. One of these features is their spatial and architectural isolation. Another common feature of the settlements formed in the historical urban centers of Uzbekistan is that the settlement is divided into outer and inner courtyards. In residential buildings located in the centers of historical cities of Uzbekistan, it is mainly indicated that the owner of the residential building belongs to one or another social level. The higher the status of the owner of the house, the more attention is paid to protecting the women in his house from outsiders.

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How to Cite
Salimov Arifdjan Muslimovich, & Kurganov Uktamjon, Kurganova Zulayho. (2023). VOLUME-SPATIAL AND COMPOSITION SOLUTIONS OF MARGILAN TRADITIONAL HOUSES. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(4), 193–196. Retrieved from https://internationaljournals.co.in/index.php/giirj/article/view/3773


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