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Abdusali Samatovich Suyunov
Shukhrat Shermonovich Tukhtamyshev
Shukhrat Abdusalievich Suyunov
Lobar Holbekkizi Mavlyanova


This article describes the procedure for performing geodetic and cartographic mapping of urban noise maps. Modern geodetic (shumometric) devices used to measure noise frequencies, and the coordinates of the limit of noise impact on urban buildings and structures using GPS technology and processing of measured data using modern geodetic software (Panorama). In addition, using Panorama software, the map provides detailed information on the process of establishing the noise distribution limits horizontally, as well as the process of creating and drawing noise cards using cartographic symbols.

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How to Cite
Abdusali Samatovich Suyunov, Shukhrat Shermonovich Tukhtamyshev, Shukhrat Abdusalievich Suyunov, & Lobar Holbekkizi Mavlyanova. (2023). USE OF MEASUREMENTS IN DETERMINING NOISE IN CITIES AND APPLICATION OF CONDITIONAL SIGNS IN ITS DESCRIPTION. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(3), 383–388. Retrieved from


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