USE OF ARTILLERY IN MODERN WAR (A Brief Analysis of the Ukrainian Conflict)

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Ganjiyev Shuxratjon Jurayevich, Usmonov Shaxobiddin Ruzimurodovich, Karimov Azamat Xoldarovich


At present, modern artillery has complexes and systems capable of delivering strong and accurate strikes, firing at long distances, wide maneuverability, and sudden and rapid action in any conditions. The presence of self-propelled armored artillery systems, rocket close-fire systems, missile complexes, clustered and high-precision ammunition allows striking with minimal consumption of missiles and ammunition, open and closed, mobile and stationary, tracked and untracked, armored, single, group targets allow for use in any weather conditions, day and night. However, the most important aspect of this riot of opportunities is the financial aspect.

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How to Cite
Ganjiyev Shuxratjon Jurayevich, Usmonov Shaxobiddin Ruzimurodovich, Karimov Azamat Xoldarovich. (2023). USE OF ARTILLERY IN MODERN WAR (A Brief Analysis of the Ukrainian Conflict). Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(3), 118–121. Retrieved from