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Dr. Madhu Singh


ICT is an abbreviation for Information and Communication Technology. The effects of information and communication technology on the widespread implementation of online education in higher education are the primary focus of this study. It looks at the fundamentals of how ICT has changed higher education. The authors of this research used a descriptive-analytic narrative evaluation of the literature to draw out the key points about the influence of ICT on higher education. Researchers used a methodical interpretive approach to synthesis the effect of ICT on the spread of online education. Incorporating ICT into the classroom is compelling educators and institutions to reevaluate their approaches to teaching and learning. Regardless, the problem of ICT usage has been addressed across the board in the educational system, and comparable concerns have been voiced about the absence of legislative provisions, infrastructure, and teacher/student competences that hinder the delivery of excellent education for the learner. As a result, the growing popularity of ICT has been driving a revolution in both the organizational framework and instructional methods of today's classrooms. There is a pressing need to improve and broaden the present digital platform and continuing ICT-based educational endeavor in order to tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow and ensure that all students have access to a high-quality education.

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How to Cite
Dr. Madhu Singh. (2023). IMPACT OF ICT ON HIGHER EDUCATION. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(3), 6–11. Retrieved from


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