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Imomova Nozimaxon Avazxonovna
Muxtaraliyeva Zamira Rustamjon qizi
Sodiqjonova Sadoqatxon Rahmatillo qizi


The article is comprehensive, and the study explores the level of unemployment and the need for housing to lead to external migration. The aim of the study is to study the unemployment rate in the regions of Uzbekistan and its impact on migration. As a result of the analysis, the following conclusions were reached:- The situation of labor migration in the republic and its regions depends on the state policy, and in countries with high employment rates, labor migration rates are low.- Labor migration is positive even in areas with high industrial production and a high share of small business and private entrepreneurship.- Differences between rural and urban living conditions, infrastructure status also affect labor migration. Development of water, gas and production infrastructure in rural areas can be an important factor in preventing labor migration.

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How to Cite
Imomova Nozimaxon Avazxonovna, Muxtaraliyeva Zamira Rustamjon qizi, & Sodiqjonova Sadoqatxon Rahmatillo qizi. (2023). REGIONAL PECULIARITIES AND PROBLEMS OF THE FORMATION OF LABOR MIGRATION IN UZBEKISTAN. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(2), 274–282. Retrieved from


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