Main Article Content
The article presents some results of the study of paleogeographic conditions during the periods of formation of the producing economy in the Syrdarya river basin. The chronological framework of the study includes the epochs of the late Pleistocene and early Holocene, corresponding to the time of the formation of the Mesolithic, Neolithic and early metal cultures. The paleographic framework of the study corresponds to the basin of the Syrdarya River, which originates in the zone of high-mountain glaciers of the Tien Shan, as a component system of the northern slopes of High Asia, foothills and flat spaces of the Turan platform. The basin of the Syrdarya River includes almost the entire range of vertical zonality, paleoclimatic conditions, ranging from high-mountain glaciers, foothills, plains, steppe and desert spaces of the Turan platform. The noted paleogeographic features left their mark on the local features of the development of the flora and fauna, as well as on the features of the formation of the most ancient cultures of mankind, which became the basis for the formation of the origins of early civilizational structures.
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