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Kudratova Gulsara Najmitdinovna
Ishkabulova Gulchehra Dzhonkhurozovna
Kholmuradova Zilola Ergashevna


This article is devoted to the clinical and anamnestic characteristics of community-acquired pneumonia in young children. The authors gave recommendations on improving the preventive criteria of the disease. The authors note that the side effects of risk factors in children can lead to the growth and complications of infectious broncho-pulmonary diseases, and timely formation of a group of risk factors in children, to determine the consequences of the disease, will lead to a decrease in their complications.

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How to Cite
Kudratova Gulsara Najmitdinovna, Ishkabulova Gulchehra Dzhonkhurozovna, & Kholmuradova Zilola Ergashevna. (2023). CLINICAL AND ANAMNESTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF OUT-OF-HOSPITAL ZOTILJAM IN YOUNG CHILDREN. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(2), 129–131. Retrieved from


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