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Khatamova Rano


The article describes the water civilization in Uzbekistan and its role in the development of the country. An innovative approach to water resources was mentioned, which is now a global issue.One of the most important aspects of the life of our rapidly developing country today is the training of mature irrigators with modern thinking based on the capabilities of the water civilization, the high culture of our people in the use and protection of water, the combination of traditional management methods with universal values. it is not in vain that special attention is paid. In this regard, the achievement of deep knowledge and high talent, especially for young irrigators, a clear definition of current tasks related to the issues of their spirituality and enlightenment, becomes one of the most important life needs.

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How to Cite
Khatamova Rano. (2022). TRADITIONS AND INNOVATIONS OF WATER CIVILIZATION ARE AN IMPORTANT FACTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF UZBEKISTAN. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(12), 539–544. Retrieved from


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