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M. T. Khidirov
D. K. Ernazarova
M. D. Kholova
F. N. Kushanov


Genus Gossypium L. determining the percentage of seed fertility of F0 hybrid beans obtained by mutual hybridization of wild, ruderal and cultivated subspecies of wild tetraploid G.mustelinum and diploid G.herbaceum L. shows their phylogenetic relationship. Synthetic F1C allopolyploid hybrids were obtained by experimental polyploidy on these obtained seeds. Pollen viability and spore analysis were studied by cytogenetic analysis. The detection of anomalies in the polysate layer during the anatomical analysis of the transverse section of the leaves is of current scientific and practical importance and requires further research.

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M. T. Khidirov, D. K. Ernazarova, M. D. Kholova, & F. N. Kushanov. (2022). STATISTICAL, CYTOGENETIC AND ANATOMY ANALYSIS OF ALLAPOLIPLOID HYBRID FORMS USING EXPERIMENTAL POLYPLOIDY. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(12), 489–499. Retrieved from


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