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Dr.N.Arun Fred
Dr S.Sam Santhose


Rural transformation is a process of change in nature and structure of the society that reduces their dependence on agriculture and diversifies the economic activities. Education acts as a key instrument to shape and fulfill this rural transformation goal. The main hurdle in moving towards the non-farming sector is the lack of skill and technical knowledge. The social and economic capital in the society can be created by trained youth. The study is focused on knowing about the expectation of rural people about the skill development program to fulfill their needs.The study is conducted with a question: What is the motivation of rural people to join a skill
development program? To find out the expectation of the skill development program from the  trainees’ perspective the case study method was used. The data was collected from trainees of PMKVY in Kanyakumari district. The major finding of the study is there is a mismatch between psychological and personal attributes of the trainees. Psychology they think is to be employed but they want skills like employability, entrepreneurship. The trainees are not ready to take any risk. The training centers can improve the confidence of the trainees to become entrepreneurs. It can provide advice to the trainees by sharing success stories of entrepreneurs and giving support to start a new business. The policy makers can include entrepreneurship as a subject in schools and colleges.

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How to Cite
Dr.N.Arun Fred, & Dr S.Sam Santhose. (2021). EXPECTATIONS IN SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: A CASE STUDY BASED REALITY CHECK ON RURAL TRANSFORMATION PERSPECTIVE. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 9(10), 36–49. Retrieved from https://internationaljournals.co.in/index.php/giirj/article/view/290


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