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Guldonakhon Anvarbekovna Mamasolieva


In the interaction of various regions with China and India, the cities of Central Asia played an important role. The fate of cities on the Silk Road was influenced not only by economic, but also by political factors. The whole history of their existence is associated with continuous confrontation for control over the most important caravan routes. Wars between the states of Central Asia led to the decline of the main cities on the trade routes and the robbery of caravans, and somewhere new urban settlements were formed. The Great Silk Road stimulated the development of trade cities and services: caravan - sheds (hotels), trade in markets, translators, money changers, camel drivers, caravan guards, tax collectors, etc. The rulers of the lands, receiving income from customs duties levied in cities along the caravan routes, adopted strict laws to protect merchants. In Timur's empire, the province in which the merchant was robbed had to compensate the merchant in double the amount of the loss and pay a fine to Timur himself in five times. The Silk Road became a channel through which there was a constant exchange of cultural achievements - knowledge, new goods, ideas, technologies.

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How to Cite
Guldonakhon Anvarbekovna Mamasolieva. (2022). CITIES OF CENTRAL ASIA AND THE GREAT SILK ROAD. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(11), 424–431. Retrieved from


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