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Genesis G. Genelza


English proficiency needs to be essential for academic achievement. The quality of English instruction in high schools is closer to that of a primary school, which is insufficient to enable students to advance academically on their own. Thus, English proficiency is considered as part of the weighted process. This is a descriptive correlational study designed to find a significant relationship between junior high school students' English proficiency and academic achievement. Results showed that there is indeed a great correlation between the two variables in the study with a p-value of 0.00776, hence the null hypothesis was hereby rejected. With this, the findings could serve as guidance for English teachers in terms of data on the degree of students' language proficiency and academic success. Students are likewise urged to look into other elements such as learning styles, instructional approaches, education-learning technologies, exposure to the English language, as well as other contextual and environmental factors that may influence students' academic achievement and English proficiency. Following these recommendations would not only benefit schools by satisfying the demands and expectations of students while simultaneously improving the institutions' overall retention and school academic rates.

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How to Cite
Genesis G. Genelza. (2022). ENGLISH PROFICIENCY AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AT UNIVERSITY OF MINDANAO TAGUM COLLEGE. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(11), 376–384. Retrieved from https://internationaljournals.co.in/index.php/giirj/article/view/2790


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