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Inobat Bakhodirova Madrakhimova


In this article, the artistic features of the poetry of the People's Poet of Uzbekistan Usman Azim, the variety of metaphorical images, and the ability of the poet to create an image are scientifically studied. The article compares the metaphorical interpretation of the image of Autumn in the poet's poems. Focusing on the essence of images such as autumn, hazon, garden, leaf, which are often found in the poet's poems, autumn and the metaphorical features of these artistic elements related to it are highlighted.

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How to Cite
Inobat Bakhodirova Madrakhimova. (2022). THE INTERPRETATION OF AUTUMN IN THE POETRY OF USMAN AZIM. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(10), 336–340. Retrieved from


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