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Babajanov Abdumurat Sattarovich
Pulatova Sevara Shamsitdinovna


Currently, pancreatic steatosis is a common accidental finding during ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity for other reasons and represents a new problem in gastroenterology and pancreatology. In this review article we have made an attempt to give a general idea of pancreatic steatosis, etiopathogenesis, diagnostic methods, as it is of particular importance due to its close connection with type 2 diabetes mellitus, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular diseases.

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Babajanov Abdumurat Sattarovich, & Pulatova Sevara Shamsitdinovna. (2022). PANCREATIC STEATOSIS IS A NEW THERAPEUTIC PROBLEM IN GASTROENTEROLOGY (Literature Review). Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(9), 209–218. Retrieved from


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