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To date, despite the achievement of certain successes in the treatment of hernias, many issues of herniology remain unresolved and controversial. Therefore, the development and introduction into surgical practice of more effective methods of hernia treatment aimed at determining the gradations of histocompatibility of the tissues of the anterior abdominal wall with various synthetic materials, as well as a differentiated approach to the choice of allomaterial, determine the relevance of this problem and its important social significance. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the results of histocompatibility of alloprostheses using several types of prosthetic materials on an experimental model of external abdominal hernias. Experimental studies were carried out in the TMA vivarium on New Zealand White rabbits with an average weight of 5 kg (4600-5400 grams) in strict compliance with the requirements of the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes. Experimental animals were made 4 transverse sections 3 cm long on both sides of the midline. After preparing the site for alloplasty, each experimental animal was implanted with various alloplasties (thin porous polypropylene, large porous polypropylene, ultrapro, acrylic) with dimensions of 3.0x1.0 cm. On the 10th and 45th days, the material was taken and morphological studies were performed to assess the degree implant adhesion. Thus, we improved the experimental model of external abdominal hernias, which consisted in the fact that several types of allomaterials were implanted on one experimental animal in equivalent areas of the anterior abdominal wall, which made it possible to achieve identical conditions for the healing of various allomaterials. Taking into account the different physicochemical properties of the meshes, we conducted experimental studies on the healing of various allografts.
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ventral hernia, alloprosthetics, hernia orifice plasty, experimental modelпластики при хирургии вентральных грыж): Магистерская диссертация / науч. рук., к.м.н. Мирходжаев И.А.
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