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Dr. Masika Erastus, K.


The purpose of this study was to establish the extent to which TPAD had enhanced teachers’ competences with regard to promotion of teachers, motivation, personal career development, working conditions and job satisfaction in Kimilili sub county. Thus 10 schools were sampled. Stratified sampling technique was used to sample 3 boys’ boarding schools, 3 girls’ boarding schools and 4 mixed day secondary schools. Simple random sampling technique was to sample 2 male teachers and 2 female teachers from each school on equal gender basis. The total sample size therefore was 40 respondents. Quantitative research design was used in the study where descriptive survey method was employed. Data was collected using a questionnaire. It was then analyzed through descriptive statistics and presented in tables of frequencies and percentages. The qualitative data was analyzed thematically. The findings of the study revealed that to a very low extent the TPAD tool had enhanced teachers’ competences in terms of promotion of teachers, motivation, personal career development and job satisfaction in Kimilili municipality. The study’s recommendations were: TPAD be reviewed to incorporate a new scheme of service for teachers with higher academic qualifications. Secondly the TSC should consider to support teachers who aspire to advance in their studies and fund such programs. Teachers should be evaluated based on their different working environments. Thirdly TSC to develop sound career policies which are friendly to teachers. The recommendations of this study may inform the teachers’ employer on challenges facing teachers in terms of working conditions and personal career development for better policies and improvements.

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How to Cite
Dr. Masika Erastus, K. (2022). EXTENT TO WHICH TEACHERS’ PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND DEVELOPMENT (TPD) HAD ENHANCED TEACHERS’ COMPETENCES IN RELATION TO PROMOTION, MOTIVATION, PERSONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND JOB SATISFACTIONN WITHIN KIMILILI MUNICIPALITY. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(6), 698–714. Retrieved from https://internationaljournals.co.in/index.php/giirj/article/view/2228


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