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Ramazonova Zebuniso Yashinovna


This article is written in the framework of modern anthropocentric linguistic trends – Cognitive Stylistics and Linguo­culturology and aims at analyzing cognitive and linguocultural significance of anthroponyms in literary text. In this work literary text is regarded as a cultural unit concerning the fact that the process of decoding anthroponyms in the literary text helps to reveal the conceptual information laid on the base of a certain literary work. Moreover, the article examines linguocultural peculiarities of English anthroponyms. Here allusive anthroponyms are considered to be a mechanism that activate knowledge structures and make different associations. The article also deals with the theory of intertextuality, as well as the interdependence of language and culture in human perception of the world, the expression of culture through language, its reflection in language, the study of language units from a cognitive point of view, the text or its part as a reflection of culture.

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How to Cite
Ramazonova Zebuniso Yashinovna. (2022). COGNITIVE AND LINGUOCULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE OF ANTHROPONYMS IN LITERARY TEXT. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(6), 395–405. Retrieved from


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