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Atahanov Alisher Vohobjonovich


The aim of the article is to improve the technology of clasp dentures manufacture. Material and Methods. Orthopaedic treatment of patients was conducted using advanced technology of manufacturing clasp dentures at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry at Samara State Medical University. Results. Conducting the orthopaedic treatment a method of obtaining an impression in prosthetics on implants and teeth, a method of manufacturing clasp denture with locking fasteners and a method of manufacturing a clasp denture with a questionable prognosis of bearing tooth were used. Conclusion. Using the advanced technology of manufacturing clasp denture has solved the problem with unreliable periodontal tissues, loss of a removable part of clasp denture and allowed to improve the quality of obtaining impression from bearing teeth.

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How to Cite
Atahanov Alisher Vohobjonovich. (2022). CLASP PROSTHESES. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(5), 1007–1009. Retrieved from


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