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Abdullah Avloni is a great poet, writer, playwright, educator, journalist and public figure, one of the founders of Uzbek culture and literature. He brought Uzbek pedagogy, drama, national theater, journalism, and children's literature to a new level. It is no exaggeration to say that Abdullah Avloni, a leading scholar and educator, brought a number of changes and innovations to the field of education and science, as well as to the teaching process through his new serious efforts and pedagogical views. Based on his pedagogical views, the issues of interactivity, activism, mutual respect and education among students of schools and universities will be addressed. In a number of his pedagogical works, Abdullah Avloni also pays close attention to the principles of upbringing and ethics and the field of education. In this article, we will examine Abdullah Avloni's pedagogical views and the issue of education in his works.
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