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Dr. Nguyen Anh Quoc
Dr. Nguyen Trong Nghia
Dr. Nguyen Anh Thuong
Dr. Nguyen Minh Tri


Nature, human, body is a unity. Nature is the inorganic body. Man has created himself through the direct relationship between body and nature. People use their body for natural transformation to produce wealth, body uses people in creating knowledge. Knowledge is outside man but in body, and wealth is outside body but in man. Knowledge in body manifests as the norm, and wealth in people manifests as money. Standard, money is a popular spiritual need. When people act as common parity for exchange, money, standards are commodities, inversely proportional to each other, but when money, standards are used as common parity, people are goods, people are divided special treatment. The exchange of people, money, and standards made lies and injustice pervasive. Family, religion, state, company appear to eliminate falsehood, how injustice, the spiritual need for truth, fairness is like that. The existence of family, religion, state, company is a popular spiritual need, but it has become a means of making a living of patriarchs, clergy, bureaucrats, businessmen, and educators. The fabrication of making a living injustice deepens. Human science eliminates the lies and injustice between people, it creates and produces wealth to join the defective parts of body in direct relation with nature to make people who fully manifest their nature.

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How to Cite
Dr. Nguyen Anh Quoc, Dr. Nguyen Trong Nghia, Dr. Nguyen Anh Thuong, & Dr. Nguyen Minh Tri. (2021). THE NATURE OF HUMAN LIFE. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 9(6), 332–345. Retrieved from


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