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Ester C. Lim


In the context of education, leadership is critical in delivering the company vision and mission. An organization that functions in unison can attain its objectives effortlessly. This study explored the leadership style of Chinese schools in the Philippines. It seeks to answer 1 important question: the description of the leadership style of school administrators of Filipino-Chinese schools. It utilized qualitative research to achieve its objectives.  A total of 9 participants were chosen using purposive sampling.  The participants were 3 administrators, 3 employees with managerial and supervisory functions, and 3 from teaching and non-teaching staff. The data were gathered using in-depth interview and were analyzed using Thematic Analysis.  The results revealed that the most common leadership styles are visionary, autocratic, hierarchical, empowering, cooperative, and participative.  Moreover, the leader’s behaviors include people-centered, conservative, decent, and professional. The results of this exploratory study will benefit school administrators of Filipino-Chinese schools in determining the dominant and valuable leadership styles and organizational culture. 

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How to Cite
Ester C. Lim. (2022). EXPLORING THE LEADERSHIP STYLES OF FILIPINO – CHINESE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS . Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(3), 795–800. Retrieved from https://internationaljournals.co.in/index.php/giirj/article/view/1578


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