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Хolmirzaev Х. D.
Halimmetova Rohatoy D.


Usually, when it comes to the nation and the people, it has become customary to think about the measures taken to preserve the national values and national identity living in their historical homeland.However, when it comes to our compatriots, for various reasons, separated from their homeland, there are still signs of some anxiety and lack of clarity of thinking, just like yesterday, because of the bitter lessons of the past. Today Uzbekistan, like many other spheres, is facing the world in the social, cultural and spiritual spheres. In particular, the public fund "Vatandoshlar (Compatriots)" was created to establish close cooperation not only with the multinational population living in our country, but also with compatriots living abroad.

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How to Cite
Хolmirzaev Х. D., & Halimmetova Rohatoy D. (2022). UNREAD PAGES OF THE LIFE STORY OF UZBEKS ABROAD . Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(3), 543–548. Retrieved from https://internationaljournals.co.in/index.php/giirj/article/view/1517


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